Chapter 1

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Chapter one:
It was 10 pm I just got home from the arena after Smackdown, I am completely spent. My feud with Rollins is going great but I feel like somethings missing. At the moment my life outside of work is complicated, Beth filed for a divorce and now the only time I'll be able to see my kids are through FaceTime and when I'm not on the road. No one else knows a part from Nattie but I don't get how 2 days after filing she was already back in the dating scene. It's been a few weeks now and I'm still not completely out there. Randy and Drew keep trying to set me up with their friends and even women on the main roster, but I don't feel like I can handle getting back into the dating scene. Every time one of the guys comes up and tries to confide in me I can't help but feel angry and just walk away. Just thinking about my divorce is messing with my head, I need a drink. I grabbed my room key and left walking down the hall to the elevator. As I waited for the lift I saw Nattie come from her room and down towards me.

"Hey Edge"

"Hi Nattie"

"Heading out?"

"Yeah just heading to the bar downstairs"

"I see"

"Yeah. What about you? Heading out too?"

"Yeah I'm actually on my way up to get Tamina"

Tamina my wife's well I mean my ex-wife's soul enemy since 2011. I don't understand why Beth hates her so much, I mean the feud between them was scripted after all. Come to think of it I haven't spoken to Tamina since well actually I don't think we have talked since 2011. Up until her feud with Beth, we would always talk and train together every day. I don't know if we stopped due to the feud or due to Beth.

"Tamina? Wow, how is she?"

"She's doing great. I'm just trying to get her out"


"Yeah she never comes out with us anymore and we just wanna have fun all together"


"Nia, Char, and I plus the twins, Roman, TJ, and a few others from work"

"Where you guys heading?"

"If you couldn't already tell by my outfit, we're going clubbing"

A night out on the town sounds fun. I wonder if I could join them I mean after all I am a single guy, wanting to get drunk and have a good time without having to think about my already failed marriage and the possible thought that my ex-wife could've been cheating on me our entire marriage.

"Sounds fun. Mind if I join?"

"Of course not. I'm pretty sure I sent you a text"

"Yeah maybe but I changed my number a few days ago"

"Oh makes sense"

As we continue to talk I gave her my new number while still waiting for the elevator. After a few more minutes of talking the elevator finally arrived, the doors opened revealing Nia and the twins. I slightly smiled and got in after Nattie. I turned and greeted the twins with a fist bump while Nattie greeted Nia with a hug. The guys looked very fresh with their signature black long sleeves and jeans, of course, complete with Gold chains and diamond encrusted Rolex watches. As for Nia, she wore a knee-high black dress with black heels, her hair down with slight waves, and Braun's jacket. The ride up to Tamina's floor was short but calm, as the doors opened the girls got out first as the twins and I followed. Once we got to Tamina's room Nia opened the door with what I can assume was the spare room key.

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