Chapter 8

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Today was our last day here in Hawaii, everyone has been having an amazing time. Every day we swim, eat, drink, shop and enjoy each other's company. These past few weeks have been incredible, I hung out with the guys but most importantly I spent time with Tamina.

We talked about our lives outside of work, with our kids, and having to co-parent. I truly feel loved and understood by this woman and I can't wait till tonight. What's happening tonight? Well, tonight is what I've been planning for this entire trip, tonight has to be absolutely perfect.

I got up early just to double-check everything I set up for tonight was going to be done right. I was currently going over the menu with the chefs when Braun walks in.

"Edge? Why are you up so early?"

"I have to make sure everything for tonight is done perfectly"

"Dude, don't worry everything will go according to plan"

"How do you know?"

"Because no matter what you do Tamina will love you no matter what"

I sigh and nod walking out of the kitchen and out to the pool. I sat in a pool chair as Braun came and sat across from me.

"What's on your mind Edge?"

"What if she says no? What if she thinks I'm moving too fast?"

"Edge bud calm down. Tamina loves you, she and Nia always talk about how much you do for her and she always talks about how much she loves you. I have no doubt in my mind that she will say yes"

"You think so?"

"I know so. Come on put your game face on we have a lot to do while the girls keep her distracted"

"Your right"

I stood up and went to my room to see Tamina still asleep, I smiled and got ready go down to the beach to set up the rest of the stuff. I wrote her a note placing it on the bathroom sink along with my black card, as the girls distract her there will be a lot of shopping involved. I put my shoes on and walked over to the bed pecking a kiss on her cheek before heading out with Braun.
We saw the guys already setting up the table and chairs along with the tiki torches. I finished setting up the table and chairs decorating them with her favorite flowers making it as comfortable as possible. I was so nervous but just knowing that her cousins support me in this makes me feel a lot better meaning I sorta won't die tonight.

As time passed I ran up to the house to get ready with the guys I'm still nervous but hey no harm in looking good for my girl. Nia and the girls had already dolled her up as well as themselves, I made sure Nia used my card because I know Tamina and she refuses every time. I finished fixing up my hair and came down the stairs being cheered by the guys.

"Looking Sharp Uce"

"Thanks, Jimmy"

"Hey just remember Sarona is like a sister to us so you fuck up I'll hurt you got it"

"Don't worry Roman I will never hurt her"

We all took a quick shot and got into our positions, I waited down at the beach while Braun handled the front door, Jimmy in the living room with the gifts, and Roman ready to lead her down to me on the beach for dinner. My heart was beating so fast, I took the velvet box out of my pocket and admired the ring. It took me a total of 2-3 months to pick the perfect one mainly because I was having it custom-made.

I had spent countless weeks on the phone with her mom talking about Tamina's favorite things, we talked about how her mom met her dad and the entire love story was just beautiful. I visited her mom a few weeks prior to the trip to ask for her blessing and thankfully she approved. Everything I did finally leading up to now has me nervous.

Suddenly I see Tamina and Roman walking towards me and the moment I saw her my heart skipped a beat, she looks beautiful. I meet them halfway taking Tamina by the hand and thanking Roman, as he walked back up to the house I led her to the table.

"Babe what's all this?"

"Just a little something for us to celebrate our last night here in Hawaii"

She smiled and pecked a kiss on my lips making me smile. We sat down and talked about the events throughout the day. I laughed hearing that Nia insisted on getting, hair, nails, and lashes done before going to eat then do more shopping. At least I know she used my card which is really good, we talked and talked until our dinner arrived.

Her eyes widened as she saw her favorite foods placed in front of her, she looked at me as I smiled watching her get excited.
"Baby you didn't have to do all this"

"But I wanted to"

"Thank you"

"Your welcome my love"

As we ate dinner the chefs brought over the desserts. They placed her plate in front of it as I watched her look at it. She tilted her head reading the little message written on the plate beside the cake.


"What babe?"

"There's something written on the plate"
"Oh really read it out loud"

As she fixed herself up to read the message I stood up and moved over to her side of the table pulling out the velvet box from my pocket.

"What does it say?"

"It says will you marry me"

I got down on one knee seeing her look up turning her head in my direction. She gasped looking at me with her hands on her cheeks in surprise making me smile.
"Sarona before I met you I thought I had life all figured out, I had gotten married and had two daughters. I thought my life was complete, until the day I met you, we became friends and every day seemed like a dream. Every minute, every hour we spent together I could feel my heart skip a beat and my breath would get caught in my throat. When we fell out I thought I had lost you forever, until now. The day we reconnected was the day my world felt complete, I don't want to wake up every morning without being able to see you right next to me, I don't want to go to sleep without feeling you beside me. I love you with everything in me, you are my entire life. So I ask you this my love."

I opened the box looking down at it then up at her to see tears streaming down her face as she smiled at me.

"Sarona Moana Marie Reiher Snuka, will you marry me?"

"Yes Adam I will marry you"

I smiled and place the ring on her finger standing up and kissing her passionately, hearing cheers coming from behind us. I hugged her tight feeling her hold onto me as she wiped her tears, I pecked her lips continuously as the others came and hugged us.

"About damn time"

I laughed as Nia hugged Tamina while I hugged the guys. The wait was worth it, I love this woman with everything in me and I can't wait for the day I can officially call her my wife.

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