Chapter 2

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Chapter two: Tamina

I woke up the next day tightly wrapped in a pair of strong arms, I slowly looked up to see a sleeping Edge. I smiled and gently moved a piece of his hair away from his face pecking his lips. I turned around grabbing my phone checking all my social media and what do you know a video of Edge and I dancing was posted on Nia and Nattie's story, I giggled quietly watching the video and seeing Nia cheer us on. I turned back and put my phone on the nightstand slowly slipping out of Edge's grip. I covered him and went to my suitcase pulling out some fresh clothes and headed into the bathroom to take a shower. I stripped out of my clothes and got in the shower letting the hot water gently caress my body as the steam filled the room. As I washed my hair there was a loud banging sound coming from the opposite side of the bathroom door.


"Why did you leave me?"

I couldn't help but laugh at his question while rinsing out my hair.

"I did not leave you, I'm just taking a shower"

"But mamas we could've taken one together"

"Mr. you are so cheeky"

"Come on mamas open the door, let me in"

"Not happening, be patient and I'll be out in a few alright"

"Ohh fine"

I smiled knowing he was still at the door. I continued my shower after washing my hair and body I decided to stay under the stream for a few more minutes. Then again there was loud banging on the other side of the door.

"Mina you've been in there for almost an hour"

I laughed and turned off the water getting out wrapping myself in a towel, drying my hair and body getting dressed, and opening the door. As soon as I opened the door I was wrapped in the arms of Edge, he kissed my neck making me smile as he slowly dragged me back into the bathroom.

"Shower with me"

"Boy I already had a shower and besides you don't have any fresh clothes"

"Yes, I do. I got them while you were asleep"

"Still no"

He smiled his undeniably handsome smile as he looked at me slowly reaching behind him with one hand turning the lock on the door. I looked at the door then up at him as he unzipped my jacket pulling me close to him and with a swift motion he lifted me up wrapping my legs around his waist and within seconds our lips crashed together as he placed me on the bathroom counter. He pecked small kisses on my neck as his hands gripped onto my thighs. I felt my jacket slide off my shoulders as he looked up at me smiling kissing me softly. I felt my heart skip a beat as he slid my shorts off along with my panties unclipping my bra. I have to admit he has fast and gentle hands.

"Don't worry I got you mamas"

He lifted me up placing me down gently and led me back into the shower. He kissed me continuously never letting my lips leave his making me blush so much. We spent over an hour in the shower together and loving every moment of each other's company. After another hour in the shower together we finally got out and got dressed, as I moisturized my legs I caught him staring at me. I smiled and pecked his lips as he blushed turning slightly red, I couldn't help but laugh and continued to get dressed.

"Mamas, can you help me with my hair please?"

"Of course I can"

Edge handed me his brush as I sat on the bed watching him sit down on the floor in front of me. I gently tilted his head back and brushed his hair back as he smiled up at me, his gaze never leaving my face. I smiled kissed his forehead tilting his head forward and put his hair into a man-bun.

"Thank you beautiful"

He turned to kneel in front of me kissing me. I smiled kissing back as he wrapped his arms around me again. We both stood up and smiled at each other. Before his lips could connect with mine again, his phone went off. Edge groaned making me laugh as he reluctantly grabbed his phone answering it as I put on some jeans, a black long sleeve, and my leather jacket. I looked over at him as he smiled at me while on the phone, he handed me his phone as he quickly put on a jacket.


"Hey sis it's Braun"

"Ohh hey what's up?"

"Nia wants to go out and wants you along with Edge to come along"

"Sounds good"

"Great meet you guys down in the lobby"

"Ok see you soon"

I hung up and was picked up making me laugh. Once Edge had put me down I put on my shoes and grabbed the room key along with my phone leaving the room with him following behind me. I closed the door and walked down the hall to the elevator with Edge as he wrapped his arm around me. We got in and headed down to the lobby once we got out we saw Braun and Nia waiting for us in the lounge.

"Hey, you two ready to go?"


"Looks like you two are very cozy"

I smiled at Nia's words as Edge pecked my lips shocking me. I looked at Nia and Braun as they looked at him with the same expression as me.

"Trust me. We are very cozy aren't we mamas"

All I could do was nod as this man had made me speechless. He smiled at me holding my hand as Nia smiled a huge ridiculous smile. I laughed as we all moved out into the uber that was already waiting for us. The rest of the day was spent laughing at the boys making fun of each other while Nia and I shopped oh but not spending our money, the boys had insisted we take their American Express cards. After spending a ridiculous amount of time shopping, laughing, and exploring we all headed back to the hotel going our separate ways. Edge and I obviously ended up back in my room and without a doubt spent a lot of time trying on my new clothes mainly me trying them on and him enjoying the "show". After making it only halfway through the show we found ourselves tangled in the sheets laughing breathlessly at each other. Hours later we drifted off to sleep our smiles never leaving our faces. I have to say this is the happiest I have ever been and that's the truth.

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