Chapter 7

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I woke up early seeing Tamina still asleep, I pecked her lips and got up putting on my shorts going downstairs to see the chefs in the kitchen. I waved good morning as I headed out to the pool looking out at the view, it was still a little dark but beams of sunlight slowly appeared through out the sky. It was such a great idea to come to Hawaii, I got my boys here, my girl and she's got her girls the only thing I need to do is figure out the timing. I turned to see Tamina walking out coming towards me.

"Hey baby girl"

She hugged me holding on tight. I wrapped my arms around her waist picking her up and sitting on one of the pool chairs.

"Mamas what's wrong?"

"I woke up and you were gone"

"Oh I'm sorry my love I didn't want to wake you up this early. I wanted you to sleep in"

"I can't sleep without you near me"

"I'm sorry baby, I really am"

I pecked her lips holding her close. We laid there cuddling watching the sunrise, I looked at her as she watched the sunrise. I kissed her forehead hearing the sliding door open seeing Braun and Nia come out.

"Morning guys"

"Morning Edge, Morning sissy"

Nia walked over to us trying to pull my hands off Tamina. I laughed as she tried and tried giving up and looking at Tamina. She pouted at Tamina making her move out of my arms, I watched as my girlfriend moved over to the next chair and cuddled up with Nia.

"Hey I had her first"

"No you didn't"

"Yes I did. We were cuddling before you came down"

"Well I had her before she met you so HA!"

I looked at Tamina as she laughed watching us argue, she shook her head and cuddled with Nia while holding my hand. On the other side of their chair laid Braun holding Nia's hand as she cuddled Tamina.

"Braun back me up"

"Sorry man this is something I had to learn the hard way never to mess with either of them when they need each other"

I nodded my head looking at the girls as they smiled.

"Nia I am sorry for arguing with you, I understand you need Tamina a lot right now. I promise not to get in the way when you need her"

"Thank you Edge, I'm sorry too. I may have to learn to share my sissy with her man"

I laughed and kissed Tamina's hand as the chefs bought out our breakfast. I smiled as the girls sat up seeing all their favorite Hawaiian foods set out in front of us. I ran and woke up the others coming back and sitting beside Tamina. As soon as everyone was at the table we ate and chatted over today's schedule.

"Today we're going out on a boat ride today"

I watched as everyone cheered, after breakfast, we all rushed off and changed getting packed for the day. Once we were all ready we got on the bus and headed down to the beach, we met with the boat captain and immediately climbed on board. As we left the shore we felt the sun on our skin and the fresh breeze blowing through our hair, Hawaii is truly magical. I held Tamina close smiling as she pecked my lips. After a few minutes, we were on a private beach.

"Edge where are we?"

"We are on a private beach with our own beach house"

I turned around pointing to the beach house behind me as everyone cheered and ran up to the house. I turned back around and pulled Tamina close to me holding her waist. I smiled as she looked up at the house then back at me.

"You are full of surprises"

"Yes I am"

I kissed her lips and picked her up throwing her over my shoulder carrying her up to the house. Once we got up there we saw everyone enjoying a cool drink, I placed her down gently and grabbed her favorite drink handing it to her. She sipped her drink while talking to the girls, I grabbed a few beers and headed out to the guys.

"Beer anyone"

"Hell yeah!"

I laughed and handed the boys a beer each. I put on my shades and joined in the game of pool, I looked at the girls as they came out and occupied the cabana. After beating the boys at pool I disappeared heading over to the girls.

"Hi ladies you won't mind if I borrow my baby for a while would you?"

"Of course not Edge"

"Thank you very much"

I smiled and grabbed Tamina throwing her over my shoulder and running inside and upstairs to our room. I put her on the bed latching my mouth into her neck hearing her giggle as she tried to push me away.

"Wait babe no"

"Why not?"

"Because we have all night for you to get some"

"But I want some now"

"You have such a high sex drive"

"Not my fault"

"Then whose fault is it?"


She looked at me in confusion crossing her arms as she arched her eyebrow. I chuckled and kissed her gently while lying beside her.

"I say that because I've never wanted anyone in my life more than I want you"

I watched as she smiled shaking her head at me. We laid there in each other's arms later falling asleep to the sound of the waves rolling on the shore.  I snuggled into her more feeling her play with my hair making me smile more and more.

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