Chapter 3

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Chapter three: Edge

After a few weeks we were back on the road again. Summer Slam went great, I won my match against Seth and ended the night with Tamina in my bed if you catch my drift. Just the thought of her gets me "excited" but seeing her makes me real "excited". I'm currently walking around the arena trying to find the men's locker room when I bump into Nia.

"Hey Edge"

"Hey Nia where's Braun?"

"He's around here somewhere probably doing something stupid with the twins"

We both laughed as we continued walking now trying to find both locker rooms. I have to say they gotta learn how to put up signs mainly maps.

"So how's things going with Mina?"

"Amazing if I'm being honest. She makes me feel happy, she understands me better than anyone else. I'm really falling hard for her"

"I can see that"

"Really? Is it that obvious?"

"Well yeah, I mean every time she walks into the room your face immediately lights up. Whenever she isn't in sight you go asking everyone if they've seen her. So yes it's very obvious"

I couldn't help but smile like a dork while rubbing the back of my neck. Just Nia describing what happens to me whenever Tamina is around me makes me realize I'm falling head over heels for her. Damn am I making it that obvious, I smiled to myself thinking while remembering all the moments I've spent with her leading up to now. She has really changed me for the better because I never made it obvious when I was into Beth. Tamina's really got me wrapped around her finger and I'm loving it.

"Your right. I'm totally smitten by her"

"I know I'm right. Any way what's gonna happen now?"

"What you mean?"

"Practically everyone knows about ya'll messing around. And it has been a few weeks since this whole thing started"

"Yeah true. I um actually wanna make it official"

Suddenly I was jerked around and brought to a complete holt by Nia as she looked at me with excitement. I couldn't help but get a little scared at her excitement mainly because she's never been this excited especially about something said by me.

"Are you being for real? Like no bullshit about making it official?"

"I'm serious Nia I wanna make this happen"

"Oh my God ok let Braun and I know if you need anything"

"Will do"

We continued walking and finally found the locker rooms. I walked in and put my bags in the space reserved for me. I sat down and looked through my backpack for my phone, as I looked for it Braun walked in with the twins. I guess Nia was right they were together probably in catering by the look of the bowl of fruit each of them had.

"Here you are. Nia told me you would be here"

"Yep after searching for it finally found the damn locker room"

"I know what you mean Uce it took us 20 minutes to find it"

We all laughed as they took a seat near me.

"Mina's here"

My head shot up at the mention of her name making them laugh at my excitement.

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