Chapter 8

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They didn't talk much more about their feelings towards each other.
They didn't need to.

The days spent at the castle had become routine for Elizabeth, and that was something that in all honesty scared her.
She loved it here.
She loved-.... She felt something for meliodas, and she didn't want to give it up, but she didn't want her dear friends to think that she had suffered a terrible fate.
But how could she explain to meliodas that she wanted to leave, even if it was just a single day she needed to tell them the journey back and forth would 6 days in all, and she didn't want him to think that she was leaving for good.

"What's wrong?"

Elizabeth turned her head to look at him.
He was laying with his legs over the arm lean of one of the chairs in the library.
He wasn't reading anything,  he just liked the look of concentration on Elizabeth's face as she read.

"Why do you think anything is wrong?"

"Because you've been on the same page for 15 minutes" Meliodas pointed out, and Elizabeth let out a Yelp as she realized he was right.
She had completely lost focus, and when it came to him there was no point in trying to lie, so she closed the book after having left a bookmark on the page.

"I was just thinking"

Meliodas fixed his posture in the chair so that he was sitting properly.

Elizabeth was quiet for just a few moments, avoiding eye contact.
She knew that if she looked into those bright emerald eyes then she would blurt it all out, unable to control herself .
"I have told you about my friend Diane, right?"

"Just a little"

"Well..." she began to pull at her dress, nervous to say what she was inevitable going to.
"Before I left to come here...I made a promise to her to return safely and...well..."

Then silence for what felt like an eternity.

"You want to go home..."

"But That's not it at all!" Elizabeth finally looked him in the eyes, and she saw a sense of confusion in him.
"I want to stay here with you, but..." she paused to blush as her sudden statement. "Bu-but...I do want my friend to know I'm okay..."

More silence.

Meliodas slowly nodded and gave her a small smile, something he had done more after that night.
"You should do that"

"Are you sure?.." Elizabeth asked. "I don't want you to think that I want to leave"

Meliodas simply shook his head and stood up before kneeling down in front of her.
"I can see that you're telling the truth...your eyes speak the truth"
Elizabeth blushed.
"I'm not your captor, so when you want to go visit your loved ones, or even if you should want to stay away from me one day in the future...nothing would change, and I would never judge you" Meliodas said, although the very thought of her leaving him has him feeling nauseous.

Elizabeth smiled as she carefully took Meliodas's hand and gave it a squeeze.
"That won't happen...I've grown too attached to you" she laughed.

"So tell me, when is it you want to leave?" Meliodas asked "I will even help you pack for the journey"

"Maybe tomorrow then? If that's fine"


As Meliodas had said he helped her well as he could.
He did in fact have no idea what she would need for the 3 day long journey.
But despite having no idea he suddenly seemed to know as she was about To leave.

"You've got a coat right? Cause it might get cold? And a spare one in case it starts to rain"

Elizabeth giggled at his worry but agreed with it all.
"I've got it, yes" she nodded, and he let out a relived sigh.
This was supposed to be nothing...
He had sent his younger brother into a battlefield and hadn't even been this worried.
"Are you gonna be okay without me?" Elizabeth smirked.

Meliodas raised an eyebrow before grabbing her waist and pulling her into a passionate kiss that she immediately melted into.
She didn't want to separate from him, but she needed to when she needed to breathe again.

They stared into each other's eyes for What felt like eternity, unable to look away, but eventually Elizabeth forced her eyes shut and broke the spell over them, also making a bright blush span over her cheeks.
"I'll...I'll see you in a week then.."

"Yes I'll...see you" he nodded slowly, and yet none of them moved until several moments later.


Elizabeth walked to the edge of the castle grounds and stopped.
This felt unfair.
She could so easily leave this place...

She took a step beyond the ground.

He was trapped there.
If he wasn't she would have liked to have taken him with her, in spite of her mother.
Introduced him to her friends, And show him where she grew up.

Maybe one day...

She looked over her shoulder, and whispered a promise to return soon.

With every step she took in the direction away from the castle she felt more and more heavy, as if her body told her she wasn't supposed to leave, but she was, she had to just this time, She owed it to everyone in her village to let them know that she was okay and that meliodas wasn't the monster they were told about all these years.

She needed to put a stop to all the rumors that her mother had made about Meliodas. As her daughter it was her duty to make it right.

She sighed.
"but just how am I gonna do that?" She mumbled.
How could she change generations of belief with her statement alone?
All that she could do was to hope that the fact that she returned alive was proof enough.


As Meliodas watched her leave, more anxious than her like to admit he sprouted his demonic wings to quickly fly to the top of the highest tower.
He couldn't see far.
He couldn't even see beyond the cursed lands, but he could keep watch over her, telling himself that she wound cone back, and that if he had been able to wait 300 years he could wait 7 days more.

The thought brought a small smile to his face and he realized that the anxiety wasn't the same as it had ever been.
He knew with all of his seven hearts that Elizabeth would return to him, and being certain of that quenched any loneliness that was already building up inside his chest.

As she disappeared out of sight he wasn't worried, rather the same emotions he had felt the night they kissed stirred up in him.

Just maybe, by the time she returned hr could figure out just what to tell her.
To answer her question about how he truly feels towards her.


Word count: 1176

Very short, I know, but I'm publishing another chapter later today.

What do you think will happen when she returns?

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