The Shock

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I hear a loud beeping noise. I open my eyes and see that my phone is ringing. I pick it up, its Karim. I sigh and decline the call. I look up at Phil who is fast asleep. His hair is messy and wavy.

My phone begins to ring again. It's Karim again. I decline the call again. Why is he pestering me? I don't want to be with him. But I guess I have to tell him just to settle things once and for all, but how?

My phone beeps. It's a text message. I sigh. Why won't he leave me alone? Right I'm just going to tell him how I feel and tell him to stop talking to me. I grab my phone and unlock it. It not Karim. It's Rachel.

Rachel: Hey dude! Urm I don't know how to say this but Karim his here.. he wants to talk to you and he's asking why you're ignoring him and stuff... I think you need to call him.. <3

I sigh. If I call him I'll have to explain everything to Phil. What will I even say to Karim? Most importantly why is he at Rachel's place? Does he really like me that much? it's been like 2 days since he last saw me? We've known each other for like 3 days. What is his problem? I text Rachel back.

Me: Just tell him to leave and tell him I'll call him later. I'll come round yours later to chat about it all okay? <3

I send the text. I put the phone down and try to fall back asleep. I feel Phil wrap his long arms around me and cuddle me back to sleep.
My phone rings and I turn over to answer it and phil has already got up for breakfast. I pick up my phone and answer it.
"Hey?" I say.
"You need to come here and help me now!" Its Rachel.
"Wow wow wow! Hang on! What's wrong!" I sit up and start to panic.
"Karim grabbed me and threw me into a table!" she sobs.
I gasp "Where are you? Where is he?"
"I've locked myself in the bathroom and I think he's outside the door!" she cries.
"Okay I'll be over now! Stay put okay?!" I say and hang up.

"Phil come here quick! We need to go to Rachel's now!" I shout. Phil runs into the room.
"Why what's wrong?" I can see the fear in his soft blue eyes.
"I'll explain on the way. Its a long story."

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