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I'm soaked through to my underwear when I arrive at a small block of flats. I look up the steps and begin my journey up the massive flight of stairs.

I knock on Rachel's door when I finally reach it. I hope she's not sleeping. I look at the time on my phone to realise it is a lot later than I thought. I knock again.

I hear footsteps coming towards the door.

"This better be good" she groans as she opens the door.

She opens the door and stairs at me like I'm a ghost.

She has cosmic blue hair. She must have dyed it recently because last time I saw her she had bright red hair. She's wearing an old bastille t-shirt which reaches her knees. She always buys oversized clothes.

"What the hell are you doing out at this time of night? And why are you soaked?" she says in shock.

"I'll explain later. Can I stay the night please?"

"Yeah sure"

I drag my feet with exhaustion from walking and follow her into her flat.


After explaining to Rachel what had happened between me and Phil she passes me a make-up wipe to wipe my old eyeliner away from my tired eyes.

"My hair is wrecked but seriously you need to sort your hair out!" She says while raising an eyebrow.

"Go get the scissors" I say in a sarcastic voice.

She laughs and fetches her scissors.

She beings to stile my hair. She starts by evening it out all over.

"For someone who is studying pathology, you'd make quite the hairdresser" I giggle

"Ha! Very funny! Now shut up and stop moving, otherwise I won't do such a good job" she shouts with a sarcastic tone.

I hear my phone vibrate and ignore it. I know it's Phil and I just can't deal with this tonight, I feel too guilty. I'll apologise tomorrow.

Rachel brushes the hair off my shoulders and passes me an old my chemical romance top to wear to bed. We set up a make-do bed from the sofa and I go to change in the bathroom.

I walk into to living room to go to sleep to see the biggest cat I have ever seen sat on the sofa. "Rach!" I say with a swallow. "Do you have a cat? Please tell me you have a cat!" I say nervously.

"It's only Kyle. Just push him off. He won't bite." she giggles.

I sigh with relief and push Kyle off and roll into bed. It wasn't long before Kyle made himself comfortable on my lap.

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