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I walk into Karim's bedroom. He's sat in the bed on his MacBook. I need to tell him that I have to leave. I need to go and see Phil. I need to sort this out once and for all.

Karim looks up over his laptop. "Nice shower?" he asks.

I nod.

"Patty and Dottie have made breakfast if you want some?" He says.

It'll be rude if I don't eat some... "oh.. um.. yeah I'll have same" I reply nervously.

He walks over to me and pulls me into his chest. I embrace him and breath in his smell. He smells like clean sheets and sleep. He kisses my head.

"Are you alright? you seem... nervous" He asks still holding me in his arms tightly.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just tired" I lie. "I'll go down and grab something to eat now" I say as I pull away and walk downstairs.

I walk into the kitchen to see Rachel sat at the table with Luke. Shit. She now knows that I came home with Karim. She's gunna think we has sex. oh god how am I going to explain this.

Patty turns round and says "Hey, Luna right? Would you like a toasted bagel?" In his strong American accent.

"Yes and yes please" I reply.

"Hey gurl! Fancy seeing you here!" Rachel says with a wink.

"Very funny! I came over to watch a film with Karim" I laugh.

"Oh I think more went on than just a film" she says and nudges Luke.

"Ohhhhhh get in there guys" Luke shouts.

I pull a char out and sit down. I stick my tongue out at them in frustration. then burst into laughter.

Patty places my breakfast next to me and I take a bite.

"I'm gunna go home later and sort things out" I say to Rachel.

"Okay well call me when you sort things out and let me know what's going on" she says with a concerned look.

"Okay" I reply and continue eating my breakfast.


When I finish my bagel I walk upstairs to gather all my things.

"Where are you going" Karim asks.

"I need to go and sort things out with someone. It's a long story."

"Have you got a boyfriend?"

"No" I pause " not exactly"

"Well have you or not?"

"We're on some sort of brake thing"

"Okay" he walks towards me and holds my hands "Well can you do me one favour and keep in touch with me?"

I sigh with guilt. "Yeah sure" I feel so attached to him after last night. I might even love him but I know Phil really does love me and don't even know if Karim likes me. For all I know he could be using me.

He strokes my hands. His hands are warm, soft and comforting. "Well I'm going to be completely honest with you. I kissed you.." he pauses "because I really like you. I mean like really really like you. I know it's only been one day but seriously I do like you." he strokes me cheek and kisses my forehead gently.

I feel the guilt knot my stomach with just the thought of leaving him to go back to Phil. I sigh and say "I'll text you" I kiss him one last time. But this time I pull him tight. I pull his hat off and run my fingers through his thick soft hair.

I pull away before it gets anymore passionate.

I look down then into his eyes and whisper "Bye"

He nods and I walk out of his room for the last time.

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