Hair Cut.

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I hear Phil and Dan return from the radio show. I'd go say hi but I'm to comfy and worm in my igloo of coziness. I hear Phil creeping over to the room to check if I was asleep. I give him a warm smile as he peeps round the door.

"Hey" I whisper.

"Hey sweetheart, how are you? I think we need to talk"

My heart sinks when I hear his words.

"You've lost a lot of weight in a small amount of time and I'm worried. I think you need serious help" he says with a look of deep concern.

I don't know what to say so I just look away. I can't look at him because the guilt is killing me. I feel ashamed and embarrassed so I just scream "YOU DON'T GET IT! I CAN'T HELP IT" and run to the bathroom.

I once again lock myself in the bathroom. I look at my tier covered face in the mirror. The bags under my eyes look black and my hair looks like wire. I look town to my side and see scissors.

I shake as I cut a big lock of blonde hair. I keep cutting. It has a satisfying feeling.

I look in the mirror and my hair is an untidy short pixie cut. I throw the scissors to the other side of the bathroom as Phil begins to knock on the bathroom door.

I slip on my converse and open the bathroom door.

"You've been in there for over an- wait what had you done to your hair?!" He shouts.

I just look into my palms and whisper "I've gotta go. I don't know where but I have to go. I'll see you in a couple of days"

I brush his hand as I leave the flat to reassure him, I don't know how it would but it seemed like the right thing to do.

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