Skin and bones.

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I sigh as I look down at the scales to see that I've lost another stone. This is getting worse..

As I step if the scales I look at myself in the bathroom mirror. My bones are not supposed to be that visible... I look away from the mirror because I can't look at myself without feeling sick.

My eyes blur as I begin to well up. I sob into my hands. I collapse onto my knees which makes them ache but I ignore it. I slowly lie down onto to floor because I no longer have the willpower to stay standing. So I stay there.

"Luna?" someone says in a soothing voice. I gasp. I didn't know anyone was home.

"Luna? are you alright?" The voice says. It's Dan.

"Oh-um-ah-yeah" I stutter. Oh crap he heard me crying.

"Well you don't sound.. Just let me in" he says. His voice sounds strained.

I sigh and throw on a baggy hoody and some leggings to hide my boney body. I open the door to see Dan leaning against the door like he'd be there the whole time.

I take one step forward and try to think of what to say but he just holds me. He'd tall and his arms are strong. Just like Phil. But Dan is more calming. He holds me and I lean my head against his chest listening to his soft and slow breaths.

He picks my chin up and looks me straight in the eye. I've never noticed how beautiful his eyes are. They're so deep you could get lost in them. I've always envied Dan for his eyes but not as much as I do now.

He says "I understand y'know. I've been there myself. Please don't lock yourself away and cry. If you're going to cry, come to me and I'll be your shoulder to cry on"

I have nothing to say so I nod and hug him tight. He lets me go and begins to walk to his room but before he reaches his room he turns around to look at me again and says "I'm a good listener y'know" with a reassuring smile.

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