Missed Calls

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I wake up to a wet nose pressing against mine. Kyle. When I open my eyes he begins to purr like a sports car. I giggle and pet the big ball of fur. "Hey kitty" I say in baby talk. I don't know why I speak to animals in baby talk but I do.

Kyle is a big fluff ball. When I say big, I mean massive! He's a size of a medium dog. I have no idea where she got him from. He's so fluffy you could lose your hand in his fur. but my favourite part of him is his wide blue eyes. He's such a beautiful cat.

I hear Rachel's house phone ring. She answers. "Hi.. Oh hi Phil. No I think she's sleeping. Okay. Bye." I sigh. he's probably trying to apologise. I should probably call him.

"Lu! Luna! You awake?" Rachel calls.

"Yeah, I'm up" I reply.

"Are you going to see Phil today at that youtuber meet up?"

Oh shit! I forgot!

"Ah.. Um.. Yeah I'll be going later.. are you going?"

She walks over to me and sits on the end of the sofa and blushes.

"Well, I've kinda met someone who's gunna be there" she says looking down with a sweet smile.

"Who?" I say wide eyed. I jolt up with excitement.

"You'll see" she says as she skips away to get ready.

Who could this guy be? Is he a youtuber? Is he a fan? I honestly have no idea. I look at my phone and theres 16 missed calls from Phil and 7 from Dan. I sigh and look away from my phone. I feel the guilt in my thought like I've swallowed and apple whole. I'll speak to him later when I see him.

I pick my phone up and text Phil:

"Hi sweetie. Sorry. I'll explain and see you later okay? Xxx" I send it. I feel a small amount of guilt lift away.

I get up to get ready to go. I walk to Rachel's room. I look around the corner and she's applying thick long black flicks to her eyes. "Urm Rach? Could I possibly borrow some clothes please?" I ask

"Yeah sure!" She says as she points at the wardrobe behind her. She doesn't have a very wide selection of colours in her clothes. She mostly has dark colours to match her cosmic blue hair.

I pick out a dark blue tea dress with small foxes printed all over it. I slip it on and it fits perfect. I throw on a pair of navy converses and look in the mirror.

"Maybe you should dye your hair red?" Rachel says with her head tilted. "It might make the hair cut look better" she says while raising her eyebrows.

I nod and she gets to work.


She blow drys my now bright red hair. It goes perfectly with the dress. I begin with my makeup with some foundation then I apply my usual long dark flicks of eyeliner. I finish with a dash of blusher.

"Ready?" She asks.

"Ready" I reply while admiring the dress in the mirror.

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