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It was just another day. A normal, completely rational day. I'd been filming forever, and the producers finally let everyone go for the day. Before I was going to leave, Rigby stopped me.
"Hey Mordecai," he said.
I turned and looked down at him, "What?" I asked.
"Didn't you hear? We're going to be in a crossover event this weekend!" Rigby exclaimed.
"W-what? Are you serious!?" I grabbed him and twirled him around excitedly.
"Yeah, I heard the producers talking today," he said.
"With who?" I was eager to know more.
"I don't know, I guess they were planning to spring it on us. Hey, I've gotta go now, see you at filming tomorrow!" As soon as Rigby said that he left.
I can't believe it! This was an amazing opportunity, I'd be going to a different network for the first time in my life.
All I'd ever known was Cartoon Network, all of my friends and family were here. It's not like I was leaving them forever, but I was nervous to be in a completely new place with no one I know.
Maybe the crossover won't be that bad. What if someone thinks that I'm right? That us cartoons shouldn't be limited to our networks and that we should live our life as much as we want! As I thought to myself, I went to my house. It was comfy, but that isn't a lot coming from a blue jay.
I entertained the idea that somebody out there would agree with me on being free, but I never expected that it would happen.
I never thought that she would come into my life, and I wish every day that I had more time with her. If only I could see her again...


It was the week before a crossover event. I'd already been in a few crossovers, so I wasn't really nervous about this one. That being said, I was only nervous because this was the first time I'd be doing one in Cartoon Network.
In the cartoon world, Cartoon Network was one of the biggest platforms for shows to be on. Legends lived there, and many people that I watch are on Cartoon Network. I'm on Discovery Family, which just went through a name change. It used to be called The Hub.
Honestly, my show took over the scene. Our ratings were higher than anyone else's. There was another really good show, but My Little Pony skyrocketed. In fact, many networks were trying to buy us from Discovery Family, but none have been successful just yet.
I'd love to move to a bigger network and see more people. But right now, I usually stay with the cast of MLP. The only reason is because other shows here are strange.
I'm excited to finally go and meet new cartoons! I'd love to make friends over at Cartoon Network, and hopefully we could move there!
I was optimistic about this, for sure. But then I met him. He flipped my life upside down. Yet, no matter how crazy he made me, I truly did love him. And I miss him everyday..

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