Chapter 6

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We had finished filming, and Twilight and I were walking around her network. Timber Spruce was constantly following us, but I didn't let him get to me. On the other hand, Twilight looked upset.
"How about we go to your place?" I asked her.
She nodded, and drove us back to her apartment. When we got inside, I looked around and realized it was nothing close to her house on her show.
"Why don't you live in your show's house?" I questioned.
"That place is annoying, besides, there's a hell of a paparazzi here. They always follow me around, at least in Cartoon Network I got an escape for a couple days," she answered.
"Yeah, Cartoon Network has much stricter rules about that sort of thing, seeing as how many stars live there."
"The paparazzi aren't even from this network, this place is so small, anyone could sneak over and find my cast. We're a heavily rising group, my show's ratings have been skyrocketing," Twilight said.
I wrapped my arms around Twilight, I knew how stressful it was to be watched all the time. I tilted her chin up with one of my hands and kissed her passionately. Little did I know, there was somebody outside the window watching and witnessing the whole thing..


Both of us were in my living room, he pushed me back onto the couch. Mordecai had one arm around my waist, and the other was pinning me down. He was so addicting, I could just stay like this forever and I wouldn't get sick of it. Mordecai's lips trailed from my mouth down to my neck.
"Do you want to make Timber Spruce jealous..?" He asked.
"You know it, sweetie," I answered.
Mordecai made two hickeys on the left side of my neck.
"Oh shit-" Mordecai suddenly stopped.
"What?" Why did he have to stop?
"We have that dinner we have to get to, what time is it?" He replied.
I pulled my phone out of my back pocket, checking the time.
"It's 6:23.. That's 22 minutes." I said.
"Well, seeing as I have to go get our clothes, we might be a little late," Mordecai answered.
"Alright, hurry," I told him.
We began to rush, he left to get our clothes from the tour bus and I was getting my hair and makeup done.
I tried to cover up the hickeys as best as I could, but they were still visible.
It sucks that this is mandatory, but the producers want everyone to eat together and create a good image for the crossover premiere. I'm surprised they didn't do this in Cartoon Network.
Mordecai walked through the door, giving me my dress and going into the bathroom to change. We both hurried up and ran to my car, driving to the restaurant. It was 6:45 on the dot, we'd be late.
Since this was a premiere dinner, Discovery Family basically opened the doors to the network for the event. It lets different characters in and usually stays that way for 12 hours. This makes the network more well-known and other characters get to meet the casts that show up.
Both of us walked inside the grand restaurant, fixed solely for tonight. I've never even seen this restaurant before, but that's the beauty of a network. We got to the main table, and sat at our designated seats. Appetizers had already been served, and everyone was relieved that the main characters came strolling in. Of course, people began to whisper. To my right, Rarity was pestering me about where I'd been.
"It's nothing to worry about, I'm here now, aren't I?" I answered.
"But you're getting into something that won't last. This isn't good for you, not one bit. Your reputation will be ruined," she kept nagging.
"You're driving me insane with this, I know what I'm doing."
It felt like everyone was bothering me, my entire cast wouldn't shut up about me and Mordecai. I looked over to his table and he was going through the same thing. Rigby looked pissed off and so did Margaret.
I turned my head to look behind Rarity, there was something going on. A bunch of paparazzo had started taking pictures, by now we had finished eating and were about to walk up to the front of the room for a speech. However, when I turned, the hickeys on my neck were quite visible. That created another disaster...

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