Chapter 1

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It was the first day of the crossover, I woke up and went to set. I barely got any sleep, but that made it easier to slip up and cause filming to take longer. Hopefully, that makes it last longer. Once I got there, the producers were going nuts. The set looked weird, they set up a bunch of bright decorations all over the houses and places of Regular Show.
"Ugh, this looks disgusting," I said.
"Yeah, it really does," Rigby was right behind me and answered.
"Why did they have to ruin the set for this?" I asked.
"Apparently so it can match the other cast's show better," said Rigby.
"What show is it?" I replied.
"MLP, apparently Cartoon Network wants to buy them. I think it would be a difficult process, seeing as their network won't let them go," he said.
I looked over towards the new cast, they were a bunch of horses standing around and talking to the producers. There was one in particular that caught my eye.
All of them were pretty, but this one was beautiful. She had slight purple skin, and she stood up on her back hooves. I guess she was more comfortable that way. She had gorgeous dark hair, and I couldn't help but stare.
She looked over and caught my gaze, and I looked away quickly.
"Hey, Mordecai!" I heard somebody call out behind me.
I turned to see Margaret running at me and she clutched my arm.
"Where have you been?" She asked.
"I've been curious about the other cast," I answered.
"They're just a bunch of stuck-up horses. I wouldn't even bother talking to them," she said.
She's probably jealous. I don't blame her. Margaret has always liked me, and we date on our show. Even though she's the smart choice to date, I don't think I'd ever be with her willingly.
I turned my head over to see the beautiful girl filming with her cast, but this time she was on all-fours like the others. I decided to watch and talk to her after filming.


I was filming with Rarity, but I couldn't hardly keep up with the script. I was thinking about the blue jay that was staring at me earlier. Apparently, according to Rarity and Applejack, he had a bad reputation and I should stay away from him. Of course, that didn't stop me from watching his show.
He was interesting, all I'd ever heard of him was that he's some big shot who thinks he can be with any woman he wants. I don't think he is, I caught him staring at me today and he seemed sweet. But, I saw that he was dating that bird from his show already, so he's off limits.
Too bad, he's the only interesting one here. I went back to focusing on the script, seeing as the producers were already pissed at me today. The producers are constantly mad at me, no matter what I do.
It's because I always like to do things differently. I've taken up a lot of habits, mostly bad ones.
They deserve it, they keep me trapped in a weird network. They can't stop me from having fun here.
I finally finished up filming and got off the set. I went outside for a smoke, and stared up at the sky as it turned dark. I heard someone come outside, and without looking to see who it was, I said, "They don't let us see the day at all, huh? Just the fake shit they make with lights."
"Yeah, it's pretty annoying. At least let me live my life. It's bad enough they make us film all the time," the person answered.
He has a good voice, I thought. I looked over to see the blue jay, and he was staring right at me.
"Why are you staring?" I asked.
"Because you're beautiful," he said.
"Nice try," as I replied I blew some smoke in his face.
He laughed and leaned on the wall beside me. "I'm not trying anything, not yet anyway. Margaret would kill me if she saw me right now."
"Who's Margaret?" I tried to hide a lot of my curiosity as I asked him.
"The robin that's obsessed with me. She thinks we're dating," the blue jay said.

"That sucks, there's one person on your cast who's all over me already," I answered.
"Who?" He was blunt, he didn't even try to hide his feelings. He sounded kind of mad, but maybe it was just my brain trying to trick me.
"That Rigby guy. He's pretty obvious about it. Fluttershy would be a much better fit for him, though," I said.
"Don't even try with him, he's an idiot," the blue jay sounded ticked.
"What? Jealous?" I asked.
My cigarette was near it's end, and I put it out. I reached over and pinned him against the wall.
"Tell me your name, bird," I demanded.
"M-Mordecai.." I seemed to take him off-guard.
"I'm Twilight," I told him with a smirk.


She took me by surprise. I really hope she couldn't see my face clearly, I was blushing hard. Twilight is a pretty name, I thought.
I heard the door to the building open, and Twilight moved back beside me on the wall. I turned to see Margaret, she was giving me the death glare.
"And who is this?" Margaret demanded.
"I'm Twilight," Twilight answered before I opened my mouth. She had a smirk on her face as she replied.
I could see Margaret was ticked, she grabbed my arm and tried to pull me away. I kept my footing, and told her I'd meet up with her in a minute.
Once she left, I turned to Twilight.
"I'm sorry about her," I was beyond embarrassed.
"It's fine, I get it. You're not the only one," she answered.
"By any chance, could I get your number? Just to pry into your relationship problems later when Margaret's not yelling at me," I suggested.
Twilight laughed, "Sure, just don't text me as soon as you get home. My friends are known to be nosey. And honestly, I'm not up for their game of 20 questions tonight."
"Like Margaret would give me the chance," I told her.
We said goodbye and I left to the car where Margaret was waiting. She was fuming, I could hear her already as I walked to the car.
I got in, and she started yelling at me instantly. I just ignored her the whole way home. Once we were there, I went inside and went directly to my room.


The MLP cast went to our hotel rooms. Me, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity shared a room while the others shared another room. Everyone was tired from the day, but I was wide awake. Meeting Mordecai had made me restless.
They'll crash pretty soon, and then he can text me. As I was waiting for Rainbow Dash to pass out, my phone went off. I checked the screen and acted like it was nothing, so Rainbow Dash nodded off after a few minutes.
I checked the text, to see it was from Mordecai. I saved his number and began to text him back.
We texted for a few hours until I noticed it was about 1 am. I told him I was going to bed since we got a break day tomorrow and I wanted to sleep in.

Overall, I like talking with him. He seems sweet enough to hang out with.

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