Chapter 2

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It was the next day and I decided to go out and see what I could do. I woke up in the afternoon, so I went shopping a little with the mlp cast. Of course, none of them wanted to go to my favorite stores.My taste was apparently bad when it came to clothes.
"Hey, Twilight!" I heard a shout from my right.
I turned to see Rainbow Dash walking up to me. I was behind the group, and we stayed behind as she talked to me.
"So, who were you texting last night?" She asked excitedly.
My face went red, "No one important."
"You're such a bad liar, Twilight. C'mon, you know you can tell me," Rainbow Dash giggled.
"All you do is tell everyone else, so you can't know," I replied.
After that, I started to stay away from her. Rainbow Dash would probably pester me until I tell her, but I'm just going to ignore her for now.
I called Mordecai and asked him to pick me up from the mall. Of course he'd come, he's nice and relatable.
After a few minutes of waiting away from the group, I could see them watching me as I crawled into the car. He had dark tinted windows, so they couldn't see him.
I watched their gawking faces as he drove off. Serves them right, I thought.
"So, where do you want to go?" He asked.
"Any of your favorite places," I answered.
"Why would you want that? I'm not even that famous."
"Well, you're somebody I'd like to know better, Mordecai," I said.
I watched his face go the tiniest bit pink, he was so much better at hiding his blushing than me. Mordecai looked over at me and smirked.
"I'll take you to my favorite diner," he smiled slightly as he talked.


She was so cute in the passenger seat beside me. I couldn't help but glance over at her every now and then. Twilight finally caught me looking over at her and I just stayed looking in her eyes. I pulled the car over, and stopped it. All while never looking away from her gaze. My heart was pounding, and I'm sure hers was, too.
I decided to be a dick and ruin the moment. I couldn't have her falling for me already.
"We're here," I broke the tension.
I heard her mutter, "Don't pull that shit again, you asshole.."
I laughed and brought her inside. We sat at a table, and ordered what looked best on the menu. A jukebox sat in the corner of the restaurant, playing music that I didn't much care for.
Most of the regulars that knew me were watching since I'd brought a girl with me this time. I'd love to show her off if we date. We both eat, making good small talk as we did. I loved being with her, everything about her was so much more different than anyone I'd ever met before.
I decided I wanted to take her somewhere else, but that just depended on if she wanted to go. We got out back to the car and I started it up.
"Hey, Twilight," I said quietly. I was embarrassed to take her there.
"Would you like to go somewhere special?"
"Hell yeah!" She was so excited when I asked her.
"Tell me right now you won't say anything about coming here with me," I told her seriously.
"I won't, but Rainbow Dash is bound to ask when I get to the room tonight."
We walked a little ways and ended up in an open field. The grass wasn't too long, and the sky was just turning into the darkness of night.
Both of us laid down and watched the sky, smiling and talking about the stupidest of things. That was when I knew I had feelings for her. They might have been small, but they existed.


Mordecai and I went back to the car and the radio turned on. The first song we heard was very odd.
Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars?
I could really use a wish right now, wish right now, wish right now.
"This song is so sad," I blurted out.
"Yeah, it reminds me of losing hope." Mordecai frowned.
"That's what it's about, you dummy."
I turned and ruffled up his hair feathers with my hand. I smiled mischievously and looked at him for a second.
"I had fun today, Mordecai," I told him.
"Me too. It's sad that you have to get back to the hotel." He was pouting.
"I don't have to go back. I'll make an exception just for you."
Mordecai's face lit up when I said that. But, then he frowned a little moment afterwards.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Rigby's at home right now, so I'd have to sneak you in," he replied.
"That's no big deal, I sneak in and out of places all the time."
"Are you sure?" He was a little worried.
"Yeah, now drive, bird."

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