Chapter 7

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It was the day after the big premiere dinner, I stayed the night at a local hotel. I was so annoyed by the dinner that I fell asleep almost instantly. When I woke up at about 8, I turned on the morning show and carelessly watched it.
I was eating a bagel when I saw a news story about me. I stared in disbelief at it.
"There's reports of a new scandal, between an all-star Mordecai and a rising star, Twilight. From our sources, we have pictures that were taken the day of their crossover premiere," said the female host.
Two pictures showed up on the screen, one was of the two of us in her apartment, and the other showed two hickeys on her neck at the dinner.
"These two are definitely a shocking couple, but who knows? Maybe Mordecai is just fooling around with yet another woman. We have Nicole here to tell her past with Mordecai," said the male host.
Nicole showed up on screen, obviously faking tears as she recalled that I led her on and that it's so painful to see this happen to another girl. What bullshit.
I called the morning show, and talked to the directors. I made sure they would broadcast my call. I told them all off, especially Nicole, but I didn't yell or sound unreasonable. I made sure my tone was solid and strict, the only way to get your point across when you're famous.
"And how the hell do you know those pictures weren't faked? The one on the right could easily be photoshopped. If anything, all you do is assume that something's going on when it isn't."
"So apparently the scandal is fake, but can we trust Mordecai or is he only covering for Twilight? We'll try to follow up if any more news comes in," said the female host, after I hung up the phone.
I was livid. These leeches were purposely trying to pry, expecting to drag Twilight down with me. I called Twilight, telling her about what happened.
"Why the fuck did you call?" She asked.
"I was pissed, they were basically mocking you on live TV," I said.
"And you felt compelled to tell them off and just prove that we have something going on?" She was frustrated, as anyone would be.
She has a right to be pissed, I was being an impulsive dick.


Why did he have to say anything? Now, it was public. Maybe it'll blow over... I checked my Instagram, both me and Mordecai were trending. There were already articles, with people creating a ship name and arguing whether or not we're a good match. This is way too fucking stressful.
I texted Mordecai, "come to my place, maybe we can sort this bs out"
He read it and 10 minutes later he was at my door. I let him in, and he instantly hugged me.
"I'm so sorry, I knew I shouldn't have done that," he said.
"It's okay, I would've done the same thing for you." I wrapped my arms around his waist, looking up at his face.
"What do you suggest we do?" I asked.
"What if we went public with it? We could post on my story that we're here together," he suggested.
"What good does that do? Everyone thinks I'm a victim or some shit-"
"It would prove we really like each other, and I honestly hope you feel the same way," he blushed as he talked.
"Of course I do, and if this helps resolve the situation then I guess we have no choice," I must admit, I blushed a little bit too.
"Alright, do you want to do a live?"
Mordecai started going live on his insta, at first just filming as he looked in the fridge for something to eat. The comments were going insane, asking about me and him. He started chuckling, then walked into the bedroom.


I was teasing everyone on the live, there were over 1 million people watching within seconds of starting it up. Once I got in the bedroom, I laid next to Twilight on the bed, but kept her out of frame.
"So, what are we watching?" I turned and asked her.
"Some people that think we aren't good for each other," she answered.
I put her in frame, and the comments were going crazy. We looked at all the flashing comments, and she suddenly turned and kissed me on the cheek.
In doing so, you could spot the hickeys on her neck. This made everyone nuts.
"I just wanted to clear up that when I called the news network earlier, I just wanted to fuck with them. They were trying to make both of us seem like fools, so I might as well stir things up." I said to the camera.
I answered a comment about me being a womanizer, "If anyone was a player, it'd be Twilight."
"Damn, don't expose me like that, bird." She smiled.
After a small QnA, I turned off the live. At least, I thought I did. I got on top of Twilight after setting my phone down on the mattress. She instantly flipped me over, pinning me down this time. We began to make out, but as I made my way to her collarbone, she looked over.
"You fucking idiot, the live's still on. You're lucky I noticed," she said.
Twilight turned the live off properly, and then she threw the phone over yet again. I grinded my hips against hers, she was straddling my lap by now.
I sat up, leaning against the bed post as she tore my shirt off. I was nervous, I've never really been stressed out about this sort of thing before. Twilight toyed around with my belt, obviously trying to make it last.
"Hurry up," I said.
She was about to retort, but then her phone went off.
"Oh shit, it's Apple Jack," Twilight looked scared.
"Just don't answer, that's what I do."
"That's horrible advice, Mordecai."
"What? It's not like it's the end of the world," I told her.
"It kind of is, I have to take this," she replied.


"H-hey, Apple Jack.."
I heard a loud, unintelligible type of screeching on the other end, which signaled that she would kill me.
"Do you know what this will do to your image!?"
"Uh, sure. Maybe I could look better in the spotlight."
"What the hell do you mean?! You. Are. Being. Played."
"I mean, not really, but okay. Whatever helps you sleep at night," I answered her.
"Speaking of sleeping, has he fucked you yet?" Apple Jack demanded.
"Why would I tell you? That's none of your business."
"Well, he will start distancing himself once he gets what he wants. Keep that in mind," she said as she hung up on me.
I walked back into the room, only to see Mordecai getting back up. He still looked hella hot, what a waste of a morning.
"Do you have to leave?" I asked him.
"Stupid ass filming today, you at least get a break," he answered.
"True, I'll be waiting for you then."
Mordecai said his goodbyes and then left, rushing to get to the producers on time. I went outside to smoke, and then I realized I only had one cig left. So, I smoked it and walked to the nearest gas station. Mordecai had taken my car, so I had to walk.
As I walked out of the station, I noticed a certain someone watching me from across the lot. It was Timber Spruce, and he made sure to have two of his buddies with him. Just by the look in his eyes, I could tell something was off.
I instantly ran, making sure to watch my footing and try to lose the guys chasing me. One of his buddies eventually caught up to me and grabbed me.
"Let go, you dumbass!" I yelled.
"This crazy bitch needs to learn her place, you sure you're cut out for this?"
Timber nodded, looking down at me and putting a piece of tape over my mouth. It took all three guys to successfully put me in the trunk of one of their cars..

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