Chapter 3

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I ran to my room as soon as I got in the house, being as quiet as possible so Rigby wouldn't hear. When I got to my room, I looked through the window to see Twilight standing there.
I ran over and opened the window, and she crawled inside. Twilight was really fast at getting in my room. She was either excited, or really athletic.
Maybe it's both, I thought.
"So, this is where I live."
"Nice place you've got," she said.
Twilight crawled in my bed and turned on the TV. She sure is bold, huh.
I laid down next to her, wrapping an arm around her and staring off at the show playing. It was some type of anime. It looked interesting, but I had no clue what was going on. After a few minutes, she turned the TV off and wrapped her arms around my waist.
"Can we just stay like this?" Twilight asked quietly.
We stayed cuddling for a long time until I realized she was asleep. I yawned, and soon enough I was too.


It was the next morning, and I woke up in Mordecai's arms. I looked around, then realized I hadn't gone back to the hotel. Shit, I need to get back. They're probably worried. What about filming, was I late?
I checked the time, and we weren't late for it. I shook Mordecai awake, telling him to get up. He finally got up and we rushed to set to film.
After we finished filming a few hours later, my cast came right up to me. They all seemed pissed, I wonder why. We all went to the mall, I guess they wanted to shop some more.
"So, tell us where you were," said Pinkie Pie.
"At a friend's house." I acted like it was nothing.
"That's a lie, come on," replied Applejack.
"Well, it's the truth whether you like it or not," I answered her.
I actually consider him closer than a friend, but I doubt he feels the same..

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