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This world that we live in,
Has been consumed by hate

Often compassion gets lost,
And citizen turn irrate

Nothing fuels the hate,
like people dying

From sadness to Rage, 
Their tired of cryin'

America swallowed in a sadness , 
The apples twin towers fell

A plane crash, A city blanketed with ash, 
Everything up and went to hell

The planes black boxes, 
Were never found

Something indestructible, 
Apparently had burnt to the ground

Americans Blamed Osama Ben Ladin, 
Oh, but if you only knew

That he was commissioned by our then president, 
Of the Red, White and Blue

But there's more to the plot, 
That's been left untold

Money owed to China, 
And a tower full of gold

Apparently it has vanished, 
Into thin air

No streets paved of gold, 
To prove it was never there

Soldiers were deployed, 
Every man to enlist

To get revenge for those, 
Whos lives will be missed

Country's at war, 
And blood soaked Soil

We did it for what?, 
Just to take their oil

Guns were blasting off, 
All you heard was the report

Taking others lives, 
And cutting them short

The price was hefty, Many people lost their lives

Kids were made orphans, 
And widows of wives

America's cries,
Went unheard and rejected

Our men weren't brought back home, 
Until Obama was elected

And for those lucky enough,
To make it back home

Their lives have been forever changed,
By the seeds that they've sewn

Haunted by the faces, 
That were sacrificed to war

Ones lost, ones taken, 
And the limbs that were tore

Families present with boxes, 
That Contained folded Flags

And purple hearts presented, 
To the returning body bags

Medal and Accomidations bestowed upon their heads,
Apologies made, a 3 gun salute a tribute for the dead


eaningless things to a life that's been lost to heaven

This was all the sad results, 
Of  tragic day on 9-11

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