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He didn't love you,
Like you needed,
He tuned his back
He lied and he cheated,

Married yet sepetated,
A thing of the past,
Hanging by threads,
But you know it won't last

Our relationship started out,
Something like an affair,
Though he knew all about us,
He showed little care

When night came we were intimate,
Inseparable in ecstacy,
I knew I wanted to wake in this bed,
Every morning with you lying next to me

When I'd woke to your smiling face,
I knew at that moment I adored you,
Though we had ackward silences,
And I was afraid that I bored you

I knew I loved you,
But I was afraid to say,
Until you came over to visit,
But had choose to stay

There may have been times,
That I acted a bit unruly,
And I apologize for that,
Whole heatedly and truly,

The journeys been fulfilling,
the waters occasionally rough,
But we worked together through it,
There was nothing to tuff

You stood by my side,
You had my back,
And Where others would have faltered,
You knew how to act,

So I offer you my love,
And I give you my life,
Maybd Someday You'll make me a father,
But today I make you my wife!

Marry Me! ..... I Do!

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