Halfway x Through

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Upon running to the scene Gon instantly looks for Hisoka and Leorio, only for Hisoka to point to a tree where Leorio is sitting against, face bruised and busted in. 

"Leorio!" Gon and (y/n) run to the disoriented man whom is obviously disoriented. 

"Everything except your arm seems fine." Kurapika states as as he pulls his hand to his chin, inspecting Leorio just a bit more. 

"You mocking me?! What about my face?!" Leorio retorts before he begins to speak again. "Well, to be honest I don't really remember much after we first entered to marshes." 

"Well at least you're okay, it seems like the fabric is holding up." (y/n) comments, stepping closer and lowering herself to be level with his arm, inspecting it a bit, readjusting the knot in the process. 

Looking up at Leorio's face was enough to make the girl bust out laughing, but she held her composure. 

Leorio's eyes were wide (as much as they could be swollen that is), his left eyebrow was arched and his mouth was open, truly a confused look indeed. Sweat was dripping from his forehead to his cheek at the closeness. 

"Oh, and (y/n) is actually a girl!" Gon beamed, ultimately redirecting Leorio's attention. 

"Hey Gon!" The voice of Killua was heard among the various voices that were within their own discussions. 

Everyone's head turned to Killua who was walking casually to the trio, skateboard in one hand and the other hidden in his shorts pocket. 

"I for sure thought I wouldn't see any of you again. Say, where's Ange?" Killua asked looking his head around for the missing member of their party. 

"I'm right here Killua, you don't have to be so rude I don't look that different." The girl spoke as she stood up from her previous crouching position from beside Leorio.

"No way, you're a girl!?" Killua gasped,  eyes widening a fraction. 

"That's what I said!" Leorio commented in return. 

The two could feel the girls glare from miles away, until laughter reached their ears instead. The girl was currently crouched over crying of laughter, tears threatening to spill from her tear ducts. 

"Oh wow, your reactions were hilarious! I only dressed as a boy so people wouldn't bother me or treat me differently. So now you guys know, you're not allowed to see me any different!" The girl exclaimed, pointing at Killua then Leorio. 

"I just thought you didn't hit puberty was all, your voice is a little high pitched compared to most sixteen year olds." Killua pointed at the girl teasingly while throwing her a cat-like grin her way.

"Okay, but you have to admit that I did pretty decently otherwise, I sure got the womanizer fooled!" The girl caused the others to laugh except Leorio who was cursing up a storm denying the girls true claims. 

"So why are we all standing out here anyways?" The girl commented while holding her hand like a visor, trying to see a bit better beyond the crowd.

"Dunno, all I know is that there's some weird groaning noise coming from inside so I guess all we can do is wait." KIllua commented as he too looked beyond the crowd. 

The clock above the doors to the compound hit 12:00 and not a second sooner the doors below opened up as well. 

As the double doors opened two people were revealed, one huge man, in stature and weight sat behind a much smaller girl with an odd haircut sat on a cushioned chair. 

Star Eyes (kurapika x reader x killua)Where stories live. Discover now