The murder mystery | BTS ff | pt 3 | Series

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Time skip: Next day

Jimin: Hey Y/N....Did you know that the Private Detective is my best friend, Kim Taehyung?

Y/N: Oh really?

Y/N: Mr. Kim, me and Jimin will go on a separate search for clues. You and your group go on another one. Me and my family hope you can get clues to find justice for my dear brother.

Kim Taehyung:Yes ma'am...We will....You don't worry.

Y/N:I really like you reassuring me. Thanks....You can call me your friend from today. You look smart.

Kim Taehyung:Thanks ma'am...

Y/N:Just call me Y/N and I will call you.....Umm...Tae?

Kim Taehyung: Ofcourse...I will be honoured....Thanks Y/N and Jiminah.

Jimin:No problem Tae....Good luck!

Taehyung:Same to you!

Author POV:After a small chat, Y/N and Jimin, and Taehyung and his team went for their own searches and investigations.

Time skip:

15 mins later:

Y/N: Jiminah....Track the location of all enemy gangs. Also track Suga's location. We need to catch that betrayer and criminal. We will have to capture him first and ask him for the truth.

Jimin: You are right indeed Y/N. I will first track Suga's location. We need him first to find the main evidence in this case.

Y/N: Right.....

Jimin:Let me see......

Time skip:

10 mins:

Jimin: Y/N..Y/N!

Y/N: Yah! Jiminah! I am right here. Don't shout.

Jimin: got Suga's location. He is right now living in xxxxx street which is a dark street in the middle of the Jungle. I wonder why he would go there....This is really suspicious.

Y/N: Really?? This is suspicious indeed. I am sure we are getting closer and closer to catching the criminal who is Suga definitely 

Jimin: But why would he betray Kook? I will not spare that murderer. I will torcher him to death.

Y/N: Even I will not spare him. If I find him, I will feed his flesh to the stray dogs. But now, we will have to keep calm. We will only find the answer to his betrayal after capturing him.


The murder Mystery | BTS  ff | SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now