The murder mystery | BTS ff | pt 7 | Series

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Y/N: Jimin, come here (whisper*)

(Jimin went towards Y/N)

Y/N:Look down (whisper*)

Jimin:Gosh (whisper*)

Y/N:Wait...There is also a small ladder. Really suspicious. I think we have found the correct place.

Y/N:Let take a look inside (whisper*)

Jimin:Okay (Low voice*)

Author POV:Then, Y/N and Jimin slowly, without making any noise, climbed down the ladder, into a partially dark hallway.

Jimin POV:Me and Y/N slowly climbed down the pathway, which seemingly looked like a gutter undercover. The hallway was not stinky at all, in fact, there was a slight fragrance of something coming from afar.

Time skip:

Y/N POV:It looked like a long pathway. A narrow one, with some gleams of light. The light was indeed increasing drastically compared to the starting, which made me sure that we were really close to our destination. It did not seem at all like a gutter. It looked like a pathway to a luxurious hideout.

Time skip:

Author POV:Y/N and Jimin walked for some more time, when they reached a brown door. It was slightly open, so they crept inside.

Y/N POV: Me and Jimin were walking, when I saw a brown door which was slightly open.

Y/N:Look Jimin...Let's go in (whisper*)

Jimin:Yes (whisper*)

Jimin POV:We opened the brown door and went inside. When we opened the door, I saw a big room, with bright lights, and chandeliers hanging from the ceilings. All there was, were comfy cushions, chairs, a dining table, and a staircase leading upstairs.

Y/N:Oh my god! (Faint voice*)

Jimin:This is too much! (Low voice*)



The murder Mystery | BTS  ff | SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now