The murder mystery | BTS ff | pt 10 | Series

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Author POV:Jimin removed the tape which was on Haeun's mouth.

Haeun:Jimin, please leave me.

Jimin: So now you are begging? (Smirk*)

Y/N:Sorry, not sorry...We are not going to leave you. We are going to torcher you to death (evil laugh*). Now give us answers.

Author POV: Just then, Jeong-Hoon, got two metal rods, and a thick rope to beat Haeun.


Jeong-Hoon:Be ready Mr.Kim Haeun, the 'great mafia'.

(He said sarcastically)

Haeun:P-please leave me. (Pleading*)

Y/N:Now tell me....Why did you kill Jungkook?


Jimin:Tell! (Shout*)

Haeun:B-because, he was superior to me, and I was getting defeated by him. I was so inferior to him that even my ally mafia gangs started joining forces with his gang.

Y/N:Next....Did you ask Min Yoongi to murder Jungkook for you?


Y/N:Did you bribe him?


Y/N:What did you tell him?

Haeun:I told him that I will give him 15 million dollars I-if he killed Jungkook for me.




Author POV:Jeong-hoon beat Haeun thrice.



Y/N:Don't you know that bad always loses against good? Jungkook was a good mafia who saved innocent people from imposters like you, and killed all bad people. Sadly, he couldn't kill you. But don't worry, we will do that job for him.

Haeun:P-please, n-no...







Haeun:L-leave m-me p-ple-ase...(weak*)

Author POV:Y/N, Jimin, and Jeong-hoon, beat Haeun up until they were satisfied. Haeun had fainted due to the pain.

Y/N:Now let's finish with the trash.





Haeun:Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Aaaah! (Close eyes*)

Author POV:They three shot Haeun until he died in the worst pain, misery and grief, regretting his decision of killing Jungkook.

The murder Mystery | BTS  ff | SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now