The murder mystery | BTS ff | pt 8 | Series

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Y/N:Oh no!

Author POV:Before they could say, or think about anything else, they were surrounded by numerous men from the opposing gang.

Man 1:Keep your hands up, if you don't want to die right now!

(One man said)

Author POV:Just then, footsteps were heard coming down the stairs.

???:Well, well, well....Looks like we got our next meal.

Author POV:Haeun came in front of Y/N and Jimin.

Haeun:Oh....Let me guess, you came to take revenge from me, didn't you? Revenge for Jungkook's death? Hahaha.....(evil chuckle*)...But sorry, you won't be successful in doing so (snarl*).

Jimin:Haeun! You deserve to die! (Frustrated*)

Haeun:Don't you dare raise your voice! Well, if you want to die, you may. Anyways....I think it is time for Borge of you to die.

Haeun:Take them down, my men.

Men:Yes sir (together*)

Author POV:But before, Haeun's men could load their guns, and pull their trigger, the door blast open and gunshots were heard.



Y/N and Jimin:Looks like, you are going down instead Haeun! (Together*)

Author POV:All the men who were surrounding Y/N and Jimin, fell to the ground.

???:Don't you dare harm them!

Author POV:An anonymous voice was heard, but not for Y/N and Jimin, it was an unknown person for Haeun.

Haeun:W-who are you? (Stutter*)

???:Oh! (Laugh sarcastically*) So now you are scared??....Hahaha!

Haeun:My men, come!

Author POV:Haeun, ordered few more of his men to come from upstairs, but before they could even reach the hall, they-



Author POV:Before they even reached the hall, they were shot to death.

???:Now what will you do? Huh??!

The murder Mystery | BTS  ff | SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now