New York x Non-Binary! Reader

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A/N: I'm imagining past New York, like jazz music and waltzing. 1940's-50's maybe. Just imagine it without all the equality problems

Y/N was making some brownies for, their boyfriend of two years, New York. They were playing some romantic jazz music on the record that was in the living room, swaying their hips to the music. New York leaned over the island that separated the kitchen to the living room, a small smile visible on his face. Y/N turned around, holding a bowl in their hands, they opened their eyes. "AHHHH FUCK! NEW YORK!" Y/N dropped the bowl, which luckily had nothing in it, New York stood up chuckling. 

He walked over to Y/N, still laughing slightly, "I'm sorry darling, I didn't mean to scare ya." he said as he wrapped his arms around them. Y/N wrapped their arms around his neck, the two of them gazing lovingly into each others eyes. New York started to sway the both of them to the music, Y/N smiled and gave New York a small peck on the lips. "I love you Y/N." "I love you too New York." New York dipped Y/N, kissing them deeply. He pulled them up and continued to sway with them until they got tired. 

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