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Charlie sat in the house and sighed. Her head was a mess and she was feeling off. She looked as grace walked in and looked to her and frowned

"don't you have your own flat or something" Charlie asked as grace looked to her and rolled her eyes

"charming. It's nice to see you too dear sister. Are you okay. You don't seem yourself at all" grace said as Charlie looked to her and smiled

"I am fine, I am just tired that's all. I think I am due on that's all" Charlie said as grace looked to her and frowned "are you sure because of how bitchy you have been later I would think that you were pregnant" grace said as Charlie rolled her eyes

"don't be stupid. You have to have sex to get pregnant. Who would I be sleeping with" Charlie said.

Charlie knew that she was tired and drained and she knew it was al o that sneaking around with Tom and the sex that they were having but she was scared, part of her was scared that grace was right and that she could be pregnant and she knew that scared her more than anything else
Charlie got to school as she sat in the common room as she tried to focus on an essay that she had to write, she pushed it to the side and groaned as she ran her hands through her hair and sighed as she felt somehow walked over to wheee she was and jumped as she saw Tom as he stood behind her

"sorry" he said as she looked to him and smiled "it's okay I just didn't hear you that's all" she said as she stood up to face him as he placed a hand on her cheek and smiled

"you don't look well are you okay" he asked as she smiled

"I'm fine Tom. You don't need to worry" she said as he pulled her close and smiled as he brushed her hair out of her face and smiled

"I will always worry over you Charlie. I love you. You know if there was work thing up that you can always tell me. I am here for you" tom said as Charlie smiled.

Charlie knew that it was complicated and hard and she knew that she loved him but she didn't know how to tell him that she could be pregnant especially when she was to scared to find out

Charlie sighed as she stood in the bathroom and sighed. She looked to the pregnancy test that she had just taken and sighed.

She felt sick. She didn't know what she was going to do. Charlie thought that she had been careful and now she was terrified.

Charlie sighed as she ran a hand through her hair and groaned as she picked up the test and looked down at it and frowned as she saw it was positive. She cursed to herself not knowing what she was going to do or how she was going to tell anyone

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