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Charlie had avoided Tom since she had sex with him. She knew that if anyone found out, she was in for it. She didn't know what to think. Or what to do.

When she woke that morning, she walked downstairs. She saw Rachel there with Adam. Charlie didn't like Adam. She wished she was back with Grace.

Rachel smiled. "Hello love. Sleep okay? It was good having you back," she said as she looked at her.

Charlie just nodded and sighed. She was thankful that Grace was going to pick her up and take her to school.

Charlie ran out to Grace's car. Grace smiled. "Hello there. Missed me?" She asked as she looked at her.

Charlie nodded. "Yeah. I don't like being with mum. But it's not fair on you to have me there," she said.

Grace smiled and looked at her. "You know you're always welcome to come and stay. I'm still in the flat for now. Me and Max are looking for a house. But you're welcome."


Grace arrived at the school with Charlie. Charlie saw Tom and sighed. Grace frowned. "Has something happened?" She asked.

"No. I just... I think about how To-Mr Clarkson and I used to be and how it all went so wrong. I know I'm just a school kid. But I really loved him," Charlie admitted.

Grace nodded. "Look. I know I haven't been the best example for relationships. Look at me, sleeping with my ex. But I know that one day you will find your one true love," she said.

Charlie was sitting in the cooler. Rachel walked in. "When they told me you were here, I thought. No. She wouldn't end up in the cooler on the first day back since she came back to live with me. Why do you do this to me? Do you want me to ship you off to boarding school? Because I will. And don't think I won't,"  she said.

"Do it! I'd rather be there then be with you."

Rachel glared. "Why are you such a brat? I've done my absolute best for you and your sister and yet this is how you treat me?!"

Charlie scoffed. "You've never been there! More focused on this stupid school! You need to sort your priorities out."

Rachel glared. "I want you out my house. I don't care where you. You just get out!"

"You got it."

Charlie was sitting under the tree crying. Grace walked out to her. "What's going on? Why are you crying?" She asked.

"M-Mum kicked me out. She said she wanted me gone. Cause I was sent to the cooler," she sobbed.

Grace was shocked. She looked at her and pulled her into a hug. "It'll be okay. I promise. You're coming back with me."

Charlie nodded and sighed. "Why doesn't she want me?"

"I'll always want you babes. You know I will."

Charlie cried until she was all out of tears. She didn't know how she could be so strong when her own mother didn't even want her around.

But who would save Charlie from herself before it was too late?

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