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Charlie walked into the house. It was the early hours of the morning and she had been out most of the night. She ran a hand through her hair and groaned. She walked into the kitchen and grabbed herself a glass of water as Rachel walked in. Rachel looked to her and sighed "we need to talk" Rachel said "do we?" "Yes we do. I have had it with your behaviour Charlie. It's all too much. Your out all night partying. Your a teenage girl who should be focusing on school and exams" Rachel said as Charlie looked to her and rolled her eyes "oh please, there's more to life than exams mother. Just because I'm not geek material" Charlie said as Rachel sighed "your ruining your future all for partying and it's not on" Rachel said as Charlie looked to her and rolled her eyes "oh please. What are you doing to do" Charlie said as Rachel looked to her and sighed

"Your grounded until I say so. I take you to school and pick you up and no going out again" Rachel said as Charlie looked to her and glared "screw you" she spat as she walked off to her room. She ran her hands through her hair and groaned to herself. She was annoyed by Rachel and annoyed over Rachel was trying to control everything about her life. She didn't care if she was grounded it wasn't going to stop her ruin her life. Charlie was still going to do what she could. Charlie grabbed her phone off of the side as she text grace. Grace was the only other person who understand how unbearable and controlling That Rachel could be and she needed her sisters advice. Charlie refused to be the perfect daughter to her not when she was like that


Charlie sat in the cooler and sighed. She had been sent to the cooler for fighting. She looked as Tom and smirked "Charlie" "mr Clarkson, I like that shirt on you. It looks good" she teased as he looked to her and rolled his eyes "and what have I told you over keeping out of trouble, your mother is furious" he said as she looked to him and smirked "and, it's the only way u can get her attention so let her be furious" she said as Tom sighed "she loves you" she said as Charlie looked to him and smirked as she sat forward "oh I'm sure. Although I'd know what I'd love. You in my bed" she said as he looked to her and rolled his eyes. He knew that she was a flirt and there was something he liked about it. He couldn't deny she was hot


Charlie sat in the common room and smiled as grace walked in. She looked to her sister and smiled "I heard you got in trouble again" "what else is new" Charlie said as grace smiled "I know things are hard but no matter what I'm here for you. I love you" grace said as Charlie looked to her and smiled "I love you too"

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