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Charlie placed the pregnancy text down and sighed as she looked to grace "see I told you that I wasn't pregnant, but you didn't believe me" Charlie said as grace looked to her and sighed

"I'm sorry" grace said as Charlie nodded. Charlie couldn't help but feel annoyed with grace "your my sister and believe it or not I was trying to help you, to look out for you" grace said as Charlie nodded

"I know but it's like mum and there's only one mum and I don't need another one. I need my sister not a mum" Charlie said as grace nodded

"I know, I know how mum can be but I am looking out for you" grace said as Charlie nodded

"I know that grace, I do I just need some space. I think you and max need your own space and I think I should go back to live with mum. I hate to admit it but I kind of miss her, I'm going to go and pack" Charlie said as grace looked to her and nodded. Grace looked to Charlie as she walked off as max walked over to her and wrapped her arms around her waist

"it's going to be okay, maybe with Charlie going back to your mum we can talk over moving in together?" Max asked as grace smiled "maybe"

Charlie got to school and sighed as she saw Tom. She was trying to avoiding him but she was finding it harder and harder. Charlie sighed to herself as she heard the bell ring, she knew that she should be in maths but she didn't want to be.

She walked our of school and walked to the corner shop. She sighed to herself as grabbed a bottle of vodka off of the side. She slipped it in the bag and sighed as she bought some chocolate. Charlie knew how to get away with shop lifting and she knew that last thing that she needed was to be caught and to get into trouble for it.

Charlie walked out of the shop and pulled her hood over her head and sighed, she walls back to the school and sighed in relief as she realised that there was no one around. Charlie walked into the empty common room and sat at the back as she started to drink from the bottle.

She knew that the last thing that she wanted to be doing was to be in lessons. Charlie knew that She couldn't deal with it and she knew the risk but she didn't care

Tom walked into the common room "Charlie, why aren't you in class" he asked as he looked to her and frowned "your hammered" he said as Charlie looked to him and rolled her eyes

"oh hush, you have done worst, me" she said as he grabbed her and looked to her

"this way, now" he said as he grabbed her by the waist. He grabbed a hold of her as he lead her into the staff changing room "get the hell off of me" she screamed trying to get him off of her as she threw up on the ground. Charlie groaned as Tom started to turn the cold shower on as he held her to him against her will

"do you really think that this is the answer, your acting like a child" Tom said as Charlie looked to him and rolled her eyes "and what would you know, you don't know me" Charlie spat as he looked to her and rolled her eyes

"I know you well Charlie you forget" Tom said

"I didn't forget, you screwed me over Tom and you can't change that" Charlie spat as he looked to her for a moment as he leant in and kissed. They were both under the showers and went as she kissed back.

The wet clothing was stripped off as he listed her up so that she wrapped her legs around his waist as he pushed into her roughly causing her to moan as he started to move in and out of her causing Her to moan

Charlie sat in the common room and sighed. She had sobered up and had been reported to Rachel for what had been some. Charlie knew she wanted t ooo back home as much as she loved living with grace.

She wanted her sister to have her own life. Charlie sent Tom a text asking to talk over what happened. Rachel walked in and smiled

"come on, let's go home" Rachel said as Charlie nodded but could Charlie keep what had happened with Tom a secret knowing grace and Rachel couldn't find out how they had sex again. Charlie knew it was one big mess

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