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Charlie's head was a mess. She was scared that she was pregnant. Grace had told her that she couldn't find out until she had missed her period. And she was terrified.

When she woke that morning, she went through to the living room. Grace and Max were there. "Hey kiddo. You okay?" Grace asked.

Charlie shook her head. "No. I'm scared. My period isn't for another two weeks. How am I supposed to wait until then?"

Grace sighed. "There's a test. It tells you up to five days before. I'll buy it next week and then we can see."

Charlie nodded. She sat down and sighed. "I'm sorry for putting you through all of this. Maybe I should go back to mum."

"No. I want you here with me. You're my absolute babe and you're not going back to mum."

"But you're pregnant. You don't need me here too," Charlie said.

Grace smiled and looked at her. "That's why I want you here. I'm pregnant and you're my little sister. I want you here with me. You're my baby's godmother."

Charlie got to school. She saw Bolton and walked over to him. "We need to talk."

"Yeah. The Johnny broke. I know. What we gonna do?" He asked.

Charlie sighed. "My sister is going to help me. She's getting me a test that can tell me up to five days before my missed period."

Bolton nodded. "If you are knocked up, then what?"

"I don't know I just need to sort my head out. It's all a mess."

Charlie looked up as Tom walked into the common room. She sighed and ignored him. "I overheard Grace talking to Max. You think you're pregnant?" He asked.

"No. It's Grace who thinks that she's pregnant. Not me. And I thought you couldn't come near me," she told him.

Tom rolled his eyes. "Look. I know we messed up. But I think that we need to be mature. I'm your teacher."

Charlie sighed. "I think it's best we don't talk. Grace and Mr Tyler are keeping a close eye on me and if I mess up, then I'm done for."

Grace saw Tom walking out of the common room. She sighed. "You just can't keep away from her can you?"

"I didn't know she was in there. I am allowed in the common room," Tom said.

Grace nodded and sighed. "I'm only saying this cause you're my friend. But you need to keep away from Charlie. My mum is starting to guess that there's something going on and I don't know how long I can keep her away."

Charlie was walking through the school. She saw her mum and sighed. "Hi mum."

"Hello love. How are you?"

Charlie shrugged. "I'm okay. It's cool being at Grace's. She knows how to treat me."

Rachel sighed. "Charlie. You're my daughter. You should be at home with me."

"I want to stay with Grace. I'm happy there. Please accept that."

Rachel sighed and nodded. She knew she needed to tell her girls the secret. But she didn't know how either of them would handle it.

Charlie went back to Grace's flat that evening and saw Max sitting on the sofa. He smiled. "Grace went to fetch you that test and some ice cream."

Charlie nodded and smiled. But she had no idea that her whole life was going to come crashing down. And she wouldn't handle it.

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