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Charlie was sitting in her bedroom. She smiled as she got a text from Tom. She had missed him and wanted to see him. He was away on a school trip and Grace and Max was with him. Charlie replied to the text;

Stop being so dirty minded and focus on the other miscreant children ;) - Charlie xx

Once she sent the text, she made her way downstairs. Rachel was there with Adam. Charlie didn't like him and she didn't trust him. She couldn't wait for Grace to come back so she could stay with her


Charlie got to school and saw the mini bus. She realised that the trip was back early. Charlie walked over to her sister and smiled. "What happened?" She asked

Grace smiled. "Bolton bloody Smilie decided to spray the fire extinguisher in the hotel pool. Kicked us all out."

Charlie giggled slightly. She saw Tom who winked at her. Charlie tried to hide the fact he was turning her on. She walked inside and saw Adam and Rachel. She didn't like how close her mum was getting to him.


Charlie walked into Tom's classroom. He was alone. "How was it?" She asked as she sat on the desk. She felt his hand snake up her thigh.

"Horrid. I heard your sister and Max at it. I didn't really want to. All I thought about was you," Tom told her.

Charlie smirked and winked. "I can say I'm staying with Danielle this weekend and come over?"

"Yes please."


Rachel was sitting on the office. Max was sitting on the sofa when the door opened and a woman walked in. "Rachel Mason? My name is Sandra Turpin. I'm from children's services. We've had a report from someone that you've hit your daughter, Charlie Mason and as such, we're required to investigate."

Rachel frowned. "Who made this report?"

"I'm not at liberty to say. But while we investigate this matter, it will be best that Charlie stays elsewhere. Is there anyone she could stay with?" Sandra asked.

"My eldest daughter. Grace. Erm, I'll go and fetch her. Could you explain to her?"


Grace sat in the office unable to believe what happened. She sighed. "Charlie can stay with me. I'm not having her go to a complete random place," she said,

"Thank you love."

Grace rolled her eyes. "Oh please. I'm doing this for my sister. You don't deserve to have her."


Charlie was waiting in Grace's classroom. Her sister walked in with Max behind her. "What's happened?" She asked.

Grace sighed. "Social services have been called from when mum hit you. They don't want you staying with her so you're staying with me at my place. It's either that or a children's home."

Charlie was shocked. She didn't want to believe what had happened. She nodded. "Mum did hit me and there's no excusing that."

Grace nodded and smiled. "Go on. Head back to class. Max is taking you to get some stuff later and then bringing you to me. Mum won't be there."


Grace watched as Charlie walked out. She looked at Max. "She's being surprisingly calm about all of this."

"She's tough. Like her gorgeous big sister."

Grace smiled slightly. But she knew her sister and she knew it would only be a matter of time before Charlie lashed out. And it wouldn't be pretty.

The wild daughter  *waterloo road*Where stories live. Discover now