Chapter 1: A Start

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Greetings and salutations, friends! Welcome to the Galar Trilogy of the Ancienverse! Or, as you'll notice below and I like to call it, the "Coda Trilogy". This is because, as I said three years ago (wow, time flies), the Ancienverse did officially end with Love in the Time of Tomorrow. Insofar as that was the conclusion to the story I wanted to tell. This trilogy, however, continues a story in the world of the Ancienverse. Ash and company are a major part of it, but,'ll see what we'll do.

Yes. We. Myself and fellow author Viroro-kun worked together on this endeavor. But more on that below! For now, we invite you to another adventure in the world of the Ancienverse! Please enjoy! (And forgive any poor attempts at British slang, ha ha.)

Author: Epicocity, Viroro-kun

Rating: T for minor innuendo and violence

Pairings: Amourshipping

As always, cover done by Captain Luky Greace. Thanks for all your hard work!

DISCLAIMER: Neither of us own Pokemon. Nor do I want to handle a franchise that big. So, yeah.

Love in the Time of Traveling

Book One of the Ancienverse Galar and Coda Trilogy

Book Eight of the Ancienverse

Chapter 1

A Start

"Ma'am, we're ready to begin the experiment."

The woman's steps echoed in the vast hallway, giving no words to the worker that had addressed her. Passing a hand through her platinum hair, her eyes fell over the tablet she was carrying. Her schedule for the day was just as full as always, but she knew the importance of this experiment, one that demanded the presence of the chief executive.

And she was nothing if not methodical.

"Has there been any notable progress?" she asked in a clipped tone, no pause in her steps.

She looked to a nearby sealed door, the head of the laboratory at her side continuing to give her the necessary rundown as they walked. "We managed to pinpoint an area with a larger than average number of Galar particles gathering. It's not quite a Power Spot, yet exudes much of the same energy readings. We speculate it might be a result of the IDEAL incident."

The woman didn't react, the explanations of the worker sounding like white noise to her. She already knew this; the events of five months ago were hardly secret anymore. It was an event that had left major scars all across the world, but nothing compared to the current crisis Galar was facing. The only solution for it was to focus their efforts on their most mysterious yet unique asset, one she could proudly call herself an expert on, perhaps second only to Professor Magnolia.

As the worker continued to supply her with information she already knew by heart, the tall, cold woman made her way inside the main testing room. The automatic door opened in front of her, revealing several more company researchers, each of them focused on typing nervously or sharing whispered theories to each other in the dark room. At the back of the room, a wall comprised of several monitors flashed intermittent images of the telltale red and purple lights indicating activated Power Spots. The flickering of the Galar particles was just as mesmerizing as ever, while several readings accompanied each change of scenery.

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