Chapter 19: A Proposal

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Back in Motostoke, but not time for the Gym battle. Instead, some important things to do as we inch closer to the end. Chapter 19!

Chapter 19

A Proposal

"Motostoke City, we're back!" Ash's call resounded around the city of steam and machines, garnering a number of looks, from parents with their children to Gloria's clearly annoyed one.

"Just ignore the strange man, honey."

"Is he an idiot...?"

"Pikapi..." Pikachu said, but Ash refused to let the grin drop from his face, even if he dropped his arms.

"Ash, I've told you a thousand times, there's no 'city' attached to it," Gloria said, looking embarrassed enough to be back here. Ash chuckled back at her, earning a giggle from Serena.

"I know, but I'm just so used to it. Nothing wrong with calling things a little different."

"Well, you didn't need to announce it like a child..."

"Says the child, herself," Astrid commented, flicking Gloria on the back of her head. Raboot did nothing to stop the abuse; he was just as embarrassed as his trainer while their entourage moved into the city.

"Come on, Gloria, lighten up! You're tense about the Gym, but there's nothing to worry about. You'll do fine." Ash's words hardly changed anything, the man gaily striding forward.

"Kapika, pika pika chuuu!" Pikachu's victory cry of sending a lightning bolt into the air was felt all around the block. Some smaller children clapped at the display while their parents shook their heads. Gloria managed to smile a little, but didn't say anything.

Neither did Serena, who a quick glance told him was lagging behind. Feeling sharply worse than he had a second ago, Ash trotted backwards to hold his wife up. She attempted to wave him off, but all it did was make Gloria and Astrid notice what was going on. "I'm fine, Ash, really."

"You and I both know that's not look exhausted."


"It's just the recent traveling. I don't want to derail Gloria's Gym match," Serena said, but her legs were telling a different story. She nearly collapsed in Ash's arms, propped up until she could gain balance. Down the road, Gloria was frowning.

"Your health is more important."

"No, no. I really am just tired. Besides, there are some things I wanted to get done in Motostoke, myself. I don't really have time to be resting." She clearly wanted to prove that, as she pulled herself to her feet and stood strong and proud. Ash could see the little tremors of her legs, and the slight off-color upon her face, but chose to not argue with his wife right then and there. "So, to Motostoke Stadium?"

"I would think it's better to split up for now," Astrid said. Her arm snapped across the distance between her and Gloria, yanking the girl as if on a leash. "This one needs to schedule her match for tomorrow, and we don't know how long either of our activities will take."

"Oh. I guess that sounds like a good idea," Serena said, nodding. Pikachu continued to watch her, concerned about how far she was pushing herself, but Serena was too stubborn to back down anyway. "Where do we want to meet up?"

"Fountain Square, across from the Budew Drop Inn," Gloria said confidently, looking more fired up at Astrid's suggestion. Silently, Ash could see Raboot sharing his trainer's enthusiasm. "Great idea, Astrid. Let's go. Take care!"

Ash saw it as the right call the second Gloria went marching off, the bemused Astrid in tow. While they did, Serena dug into her bag and pulled out the card she had received the last time they were in the city. A quick glance-over told the couple that it contained the address for Heather's place of business, somewhere on the lower level of Motostoke. Intertwining his hand in hers, the couple set off in that direction, aiming for the lift that would take them there.

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