Chapter 13: A Yell

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On the road to Hulbury! What awaits Gloria and the gang? Let's find out in Chapter 13!

Chapter 13

A Yell

"So, this is a Galar Gym Badge, huh?" At Astrid's words, Gloria looked up to see the woman holding the ring containing her Grass Badge. For a moment, she believed it impossible, but on a quick search of her figure, discovered the case was nowhere to be seen. "Not like any I'm used to."

"Hey, give it back!" Gloria lunged for it, only to miss before Astrid tossed it back towards her. The incomplete medallion was juggled in her hands before she secured it, the box thrown next. This one almost hit her in the face. "Next time, why don't you ask before you put your grubby little paws all over it?"

"Just wanted a look is all," Astrid said. Something about her voice told Gloria that the woman was just teasing, and Ash and Serena were certainly no help, the former feeding Pikachu an apple while the latter had been contemplative since they had camped out the night before. "I'm still amazed you managed to win it."

"I'm still amazed you haven't found a way to shut your mouth." Scorbunny raised a fist, agreeing with his trainer. Astrid took amusement in that, whistling loudly as she took point on their group. It gave Gloria just enough time to stow the case back in her bag, and for Ash and Serena to catch up with her.

"She's just giving you a hard time," Ash said, though it did little to assuage Gloria's newfound grumpiness. The triumphant feeling of the day before was replaced with the arduous road ahead to Hulbury. No matter how often she checked the map on her phone, it felt like they were making minor strides at best.

"I wish she wouldn't. I thought you guys were supposed to be adults."

"Adults, kids, what's it matter?" Ash asked, raising his hand to pet Pikachu. His partner cooed with a soft "chaaaaa". "We're all trainers here. That's how Astrid sees you, at least."

"Somehow, I doubt that..." Gloria's muttering trailed off, her eyes affixed to the blonde's back. Ever since she'd triumphed over Milo, Astrid had been particularly interested in things, not the least of which was her Dynamax Band. She was starting to think she'd need to sleep with her items. Hoping to distract herself, Gloria turned her attention to the only person of their group that hadn't spoken all morning. "What about you, Serena? You see me as a trainer?"

"Of course," was the swift, and utterly generic, response. "You're a wonderful trainer. Why?"

"Oh, nothing..." Gloria tossed her hands behind her head, Scorbunny nestling atop her beret. They fell to silence, and Gloria found the itch for action coming back to her. Looking around on their path westward, she could see some wild Pokémon in the forests and grass. The light smoke on a downhill path showed a different campsite, but nothing seemed worthy of her time. So, she chose to try and kill it with conversation. "So, who's excited to get to Hulbury?"

"Would be if we knew more about it," Astrid called back. She stopped at the top of the nearby hill, peering down below and shaking her head. If Gloria hadn't known better, she would have thought the woman was looking for strong opponents to fight.

"Oh, good point!" Gloria said, bringing up the information on her Rotom Phone within seconds. "Looks like a seaborne town. Healthy marketplace. Ugh...and a fashion show."

"Not a fan?" Serena asked, her voice sounding more invested than it had minutes ago. From the hill, Astrid retreated back to their group, sighing. She and Ash seemed to start having a silent conversation, but Gloria preferred the one started with Serena as the two somehow surpassed the others to take point.

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