Chapter 11: A Geoglyph

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Glad we could still surprise you all with Alastair last chapter. Warms my heart. Now, Chapter 11!

Chapter 11

A Geoglyph

"That was a complete waste of time!" Jessie's shrill shriek scared some Woobat from the perches on the cavern ceiling, flying to safe distance from the increasing decibels. Meowth and Wobbuffet were covering each other's ears (as much as Wobbuffet had ears), while James sighed loudly. They were so close to the mine exit, but still so far away thanks to Jessie's secluded tirade. James reached for it, seeing the glorious sunset beyond, but was denied. With a sigh, he dropped his hardhat into his lap. "We had to dress in these ridiculous costumes, infiltrate some geek squad and we still almost got killed. Not to mention what this has done to my hair!"

"And no one messes with Jess's hair!" Meowth commented. From their side, Y scoffed, fiddling with his tablet.

"Be grateful you got out alive. You've been through worse."

"Yeah, on our old boss's orders! He was a psychopath!"

"And here I taut da two a you had so much in common." Jessie didn't hesitate in lunging for Meowth and throttling him. Weary at their antics, James looked to Y, who finished stowing away his device.

"To be fair, we didn't walk away with anything."

"No, I guess you're right," Y lamented, running an agitated hand through his hair. He was starting to pace back forth. "I always knew Alastair would be a slippery quarry to chase after, but he's proven more troublesome than expected, and now we know he's up to something. Blast that cave-in." The man's features softened, throwing a smile James's way before he concluded with, "I'm sorry for putting you and your Pokémon in danger. I'll try to be more mindful in tracking him."

"It's no worry. Myself, Inkay and Crabrawler are made of stern stuff! Jessie and her partners, too!"

"But not her hair." That earned Meowth another violent strangling, until he clawed her face, forcing her to desist.

"Well, either way, I don't want to be like your old boss. You're not obligated to be here, but I'm grateful for your services nonetheless."

"Ugh, stop with the sappy talk, or I'll start wishing I didn't have a boss at all!" Jessie said with a final harrumph, folding her arms across her chest. She began to tap her foot, snorting at an ever-increasing volume. "I'm just glad the twerps didn't notice us."

"Yes, but they're still with that new twerpette," James remarked. "Wonder who she is...? Mini Twerpette?"

"Name's already taken by da blonde one with da Dedenne."

"Neo Twerpette?"

"Feel like that name's copyrighted, Jessie."

"Wobb wobba?"

"Nah, dat's just attachin' a number."

"We're running out of twerpette naming options!" was the subsequent complaint from Jessie, and all three members of the former Team Rocket put their heads together, almost literally, to wrack out a solution. As one, they arrived at one, their fingers raising.

"Well, it's no loss. Time to regroup," Y cut in, oblivious to their mental struggle and anguish. They all deflated. "Come on, you three. We need to figure out the next move. On to Hulbury. Cedric will meet us there."

He took off, striding towards the light. Eager to get out, James led his companions forward, and on to the next task, continuing to spin their wheels in no direction.

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