Chapter 16: A Rainstorm

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The funny part about this chapter is that I originally wanted to call it "A Storm"...until I realized that was taken by Chapter 17 (18?) of Tropics...ironically against Lana. I'm sensing a theme. Anyway, Chapter 16!

Chapter 16

A Rainstorm

"Macro Cosmos issued a statement late last night in regards to the incident at the Galar Mines a week ago," a reporter echoed over the screen early the next morning. Ash rubbed at his eyes, barely able to pay any attention, but trying all the same. Early rising to watch the news was not something he had foreseen himself doing, but he was hardly the first one up, with Astrid on an early morning jog alongside Hop and Gloria, while Serena appeared to have been using the bathroom for about the sixth time. He worried for her, but the reporter's continued cadence made him try to keep his attention. "Speaking from the site, Chairman Rose's personal assistant and head of the Dynamax Division, Oleana, made a statement to the press."

"After careful consideration, Galar Mines has reopened for business and traversal," a woman on the screen said. Her heavily lidded eyes and long ashen hair spoke to a woman done with the proceedings, but professional all the same. "Most of the damage done was on a lower level, away from our workers, and our Health and Safety Board has deemed it safe. We will be sending a team of researchers from our Hammerlocke facility to investigate the strange disturbance at the Power Spot and to search for the unknown assailant that appeared to trigger it."

"Miss Oleana, there are rumors of previously dormant Power Spots growing erratically active the past few weeks. Is Macro Cosmos looking into this?" Ash tilted his head, beginning to feel curious, himself. He hadn't thought these incidents were unusual, not with the way Gloria talked.

"Yes. In fact, Chairman Rose is finding it of particular interest and is due to receive intel from someone who may know more sometime tomorrow. This conference is over." Her bluntness raised more questions from the crowd, but the images shifted back to the reporter, having nothing further to say on the incident.

"In other news, with the Gym Challenge season in full swing, one of our reporters had the chance to sit down and interview our esteemed Champion, asking his own thoughts on the current season and current events."

This time, Ash was interested, so much so that when Serena came out of the bathroom to join him, she just let him watch, stroking Yamper's fur with a special brush. The reporter was cut off, but his voice could be heard as crisp as anything. "How are you finding the season so far?"

"It's been a brilliant one. Chairman Rose has worked to bring out all the stops this year, and I'm training up in anticipation of the challengers coming for me," Leon said, grinning at the camera. He was certainly telegenic, not missing a beat at being before the cameras.

"You must be busy, preparing for the Wyndon Conference and your scheduled tours of the Gyms. How have you managed it with the recent incident?"

"Oh, the issue at the mine has been a minor scuffle that's taken up little of my time, but if it comes to securing the vision of safety and security that the Chairman sees, I'll gladly give it."

"He really is this region's Champion, isn't he?" Serena asked, setting Yamper down to go play around the Center. Pikachu didn't move from Ash's shoulder, the two of them humming and nodding. "Not like you to watch the news, though."

"Lance said I should. Kinda boring, though," Ash admitted with a laugh, no longer interested in the interview. It seemed a bit fluffy; nothing he couldn't learn through a battle, which Leon was clearly lacking lately if he was busy enough to give interviews like that. "I feel kinda bad for Leon."

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