Chapter 23: An Aftermath

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Hard to believe we've reached the end of the first book here! In any case, more at the bottom. For now, time for Chapter 23!

Chapter 23

An Aftermath

"Patchwork is nearly finished today on Motostoke's walls, with many more of the city's engineers outside the walls and examining the Wild Area after yesterday's crazy events," the reporter on the Pokémon Center's television said. She was a blonde-haired woman, looking enthralled to be standing in the Wild Area, but terrified all the same. The longer Gloria looked, the less destructive the Wild Area appeared, a miracle given what she remembered of it the day before. "Some damage has been done, but Macro Cosmos has already proven instrumental in patching up. Chairman Rose, with a statement."

"It is with a heavy heart that we've paid witness to the devastation in the Wild Area yesterday," the man said on the screen. He looked truly solemn, flashes of cameras around his face while he continued to address the concerns. "However, my engineers assure me that the damage was not as severe as first thought. Many Pokémon habitats were destroyed, which is a shame, but Motostoke was kept safe. My own personal assistant, Oleana, will continue to look into the incident so that no such release of power threatens our great region ever again.

"You can rest assured that we will have the path repaired and the road to Hammerlocke and Motostoke open for all Gym Challengers as soon as possible. I look forward to seeing you all at the Wyndon Conference, as scheduled."

Gloria nodded to herself, sipping on a cup of tea, and soon found she wasn't alone. Marnie was on one side of her, and Hop on the other, all three watching the television with vested interest. With a raise of her cup, she even realized they were doing some weird sort of synchronized sipping. The reporter soon returned to the screen, looking flushed, as though she'd just had the rush of her life.

"Oh. Oh, yes. Mm, it appears Champion Leon has just arrived to survey the scene for himself. I think we can all feel safer, knowing our Champion is watching over us."

"Lee's here?" Hop asked, finishing the sip of his tea. A loud bleat behind the trio pulled Gloria's eyes back, watching as Morpeko was attempting to ride Wooloo, a situation made worse by Yamper chasing after them, heedless of his electricity. "Though I guess I'm not surprised. Probably just got lost on his way..."

Whether he had or hadn't, the reporter continued to look flustered as Galar's very own Champion came into frame, his effortless smile making her place her hand over her heart. After some muffled discussion, he was handed the microphone and faced the camera with his ever-known twinkle. "After a survey of the area, and a quick cleanup of the few aggressive Pokémon that have been shifted out of their habitats, I can say the Wild Area is returning to what it was. As Champion, I will continue to safeguard the lives of the citizens, so that everyone can have a Champion time!"

He posed, microphone still in hand, with his famous Charizard stance, leading to a tittering from the reporter who saw him off. Hop frowned.

"Lee's not happy about that..."

"How can ya tell?" Marnie asked. Wooloo gave another agitated bleat, and as it rolled by, Marnie plucked her rambunctious Pokémon off of him for a reprieve. A stern look later and Morpeko looked sufficiently scolded.

"Well, he is my brother," Hop said, that pride inching into his voice. Gloria had to admit, Leon certainly carried that presence, and everyone watching in the Pokémon Center exuded relief at hearing him say the situation was handled. For her part, however, Gloria's eyes drifted to Ash, sitting with Astrid at a table and snacking. One would be hard-pressed to believe that just the other day he was tossing around Dynamaxed Pokémon like they were nothing. "Though, I'm not sure if he's upset because he didn't make it on time or that it happened in the first place. If he'd been there, I'm sure he would've cleaned up. Least, he would've done a right sight better than us..."

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