Chapter 15: A Showcase

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I know reception was slightly mixed on last chapter, largely in regards to TRio. That said, they're not some parasite on the story, and we all know Gloria had to meet them eventually. Not their fault she jumps to conclusions. Anyway, time to arrive in Hulbury with Chapter 15!

Chapter 15

A Showcase

The morning before Hulbury saw a marked change in the breeze. When Gloria left her tent, stretching alongside her team, she could taste the salt on the air, signaling their close approach to the seaborne town at last. After more than a few days and quite the number of events, she was ready to take on a Gym once more, and her energy was boundless. As Ash helped Serena cook breakfast, Charizard lending his flame where he could, he saw fit to comment on that much.

"You're looking real fired up."

"Gotta be. Meeting Marnie and those three jerks has motivated all of us, and since Hulbury is a three-on-three, we have to pull out all our strength!" Gloria did some swift jumping jacks, ones that Chewtle tried to emulate before falling on her face. Rookidee laughed at that, earning a swift glare from Gloria that shut him up. She was getting tired of them bickering with each other, no matter the smidgen of respect he'd shown the day before.

"Just make sure your Pokémon are on the same page," Astrid noted, swiping a berry from the table before Serena could cook it up and tossing it to her three Pokémon. Pyroar sliced it to pieces before Meowstic levitated it over to all three of them in turn. Gloria got the feeling Astrid had done that on purpose.

"All of us are aiming for the top, and we've got an unbeatable strategy! Especially now that we've worked out the Chewtle speed problem."

"Chewtle!" the turtle cried with victory. Ash gave a chuckle at her gusto.

"Don't put all your efforts into one strategy," Ash said. He emulated Astrid in grabbing a berry to feed Pikachu with, but his wife was much faster and he heeded her tired eyes. It appeared she hadn't gotten that much sleep the night before. Once Serena let go of his hand, he continued. "You're facing a Water type Gym, which means you need to be fluid and adjustable. I guarantee the trainer you'll fight will be."

"Oh, it'll be fine. I can adapt!" Gloria waved off Ash's suggestion boldly, but filed it away for later use. Her exercises finished, Gloria joined Astrid at the table, eagerly awaiting breakfast. Serena served it up moments after, a plate of eggs and berries set before her, along with some pan-fried toast. She immediately began wolfing it down, talking as she went. "I know Nesha ish a tough Leader, sho we'll be ready."

Astrid flinched at some of the eggs spraying on her, eliciting a sheepish grin from Gloria. "And how tough is that?"

"Well, her Gym Leader card says she considers Milo a rival," Gloria said, drinking some milk from the table. Her plate was already empty, a feat which even Ash had yet to accomplish, but Gloria remained hungry. She reached for the large apple on the table. "I've watched her matches, but she always does something a little differently, so it's hard to pin down. Still, she's said to be one of the easier Gym Leaders in Galar, so it should be fine. I'll beat her down the second we get to Hulbury."

"Assuming she's not already having another match."

Gloria nodded, admitting that Astrid had a point. Whether she could secure a match that day or not, she would be ready either way. Leaning back nonchalantly, acting as unbothered as she could, Gloria bit into the apple.

She nearly broke her teeth.

"Ah!" The hard surface of the apple made her jaw hurt instantly, and she pulled it away from her mouth. "Uh, who was responsible for buying an apple as hard as rock?"

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