Chapter 22: A Hero

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I hope people realize that Gloria's relationship with Ash really isn't broken. She knew she crossed a line. But for now, Dynamax attack in Chapter 22!

Chapter 22

A Hero

A beam of light was fired from one of the Dynamaxed Pokémon, and Astrid rolled to the side, the juiced up Hyper Beam colliding with the walls and leaving a gash in the brick. Absol hunkered down on all fours, growling, while above, Alastair surveyed the mess. She scowled in his direction, forming a fist on the knotted grass, but the imminent threat of all the Pokémon was her primary concern.

"Dark Pulse!"

"Greninja, Water Shuriken!"

"Arcanine, Flamethrower!" Their combination of attacks flew out once again, striking against the nearest Dynamax Pokémon and toppling it over. The gigantic Bewear fell backwards towards the lake, spinning its arms. It was unfortunate (or not so unfortunate in Astrid's view) that it just so happened to catch Alastair's blind spot.

The thrashing arms clipped Aerodactyl's wing, bringing Pokémon and trainer down while Bewear hit the lake, shrinking the moment it did. Alastair fell, aiming for a collision with the ground that Aerodactyl was too slow to catch. Astrid scoffed; the man was too tenacious to die, and soon as she ordered a Megahorn to stop a stampeding Excadrill, she saw the shadow pool on the ground.

Alastair touched down unscathed, only to be met by Ash's fist, his trench coat grabbed.

"What's going on here, Alastair?!"

"You ask as though I'm the perpetrator."

"Well, aren't you?" Ash's argument was nearly cut off by the Excadrill's steel spikes racing for them. Astrid changed direction, nodding to Kabu, who covered her back. Hop was still in the middle, shaking at Wooloo's downed form. Thwackey bonked him on the head, trying to get him started up, but he was too busy watching as Absol flew forward and cut straight through the Max Steelspike with a Shadow Claw.

"Relax, Ash. For once, Alastair isn't responsible." It was an unexpected voice, enough that Ash's hold loosened, and Alastair slapped him away. Astrid turned her eyes skyward, looking for the source of the voice when a Hydreigon floated down, and from atop it came Serena's father. Slumped at his feet were the familiar forms of Jessie, James and Meowth.

"You guys are here?!" Ash asked, his brain making the connection between the two, but Y brushed him off. He had a bigger quarry to chase, and Astrid decided she would have to let him chase it, backing up to Kabu.

"No Dynamaxing yet?"

"For some reason, the Power Spot that was here has vanished. I would need to go further into the storm if we had a hope of utilizing that power," Kabu answered. The older Gym Leader took notice of Hop at last, right as Arcanine blitzed into Excadrill, trying to hold it off. Pikachu slapped its face with an Iron Tail. As he did, Kabu leaned down, pulling at Hop. "Up, my friend. Dynamaxed Pokémon are nothing to fear."

"Of...of course..." Hop still looked shaken, unable to form more words than what he had spoken. Hoping to calm him, Astrid put a hand on his shoulder.

"If you're wondering why the Power Spot has vanished, ask Alastair. Or is that not what you've been doing, running around Galar." Alastair stood, brushing his coat off and backing away. Marshadow, emerging from the pooled shadows, glared at each individual there, saving an especially nasty one for Ash and Pikachu, but he didn't freeze them. At the very least, Astrid took it as a good sign that he didn't consider them the enemy.

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