Chapter Six - The Test

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Days after creating their Ultimate Moves, Class 1-A trained for the upcoming Provisional License Exams. After days of intensive training, the Provisional License Exams was finally upon the students of UA. As Aizawa led the class to the Takoba National Stadium, Aizawa ran into an old flame.

???: Eraser?! I know that scowl anywhere! I saw you on TV at the Sports Festival, but it's been awhile since we were this close in person!

X-23 and the rest of Class 1-A saw Aizawa being approached by what appeared to be a female Pro Hero wearing a brightly colored outfit. Midoriya immediately recognized her.

Midoriya: That's Ms Joke: the Smile Hero! Her Quirk is Outburst! She forces people around her to laugh, which affects their thinking and keeps them from being able to move! Her fights against Villains are always full of insanity!

While Ms Joke was impressed with Midoriya's textbook definition on her Quirk, her focus remained on the disgruntled Aizawa.

???: Let's get married!

As the female Pro Hero said that, everyone was taken aback by this. X-23 was confused by what she was seeing. 

Aizawa: No

???: Ha! Good one Eraser!

Aizawa: You're impossible, Joke.

Ms Joke: Come on future husband! Imagine it! If I was your wife, you'd have a future of constant laughter!

Aizawa: That sounds like an actual nightmare.

Tsuyu: It seems you two are close.

X-23: Very close. 

Ms Joke: Our agencies were near each other! As young Heroes striving to make a difference, a mutual love bloomed!

Aizawa: No it didn't!

Ms Joke simply laughed. It was in that moment that Shikamau began to sympathize with his homeroom teacher.

Ms Joke: Oh, I love your quick retorts! You're so worth teasing, Eraser!

Aizawa: Joke, since you're here, that means...

Ms Joke: That's right. Come here, everyone!

As Ms Joke said, students from Ketsubutsu Academy High School approached UA. X-23 remained silent as the students spoke to the UA students. As everyone was pleasantly surprised by the praise from the students, X-23 could tell that something was off. She kept her distance from the Ketsubutsu students. Soon enough, all the classes were led into the stadium. X-23 looked around to notice that the students from the other schools were staring at Class 1-A. Her instincts told her something was wrong. As they were making their way to the arena, Kirishima noticed that X-23 was being quiet. 

Kirishima: What's wrong, Laura?

X-23: Something isn't right, Eijiro. That class....praised us.

Kirishima: Is that bad? Our class is pretty famous at this point! I mean, we survived an attack from the League Of Villains twice! 

X-23: It's not just that. Everyone is staring at us.

When X-23 said that, Kirishima looked around to see that everyone was in fact staring at them. 

Kirishima: Now that you mention it, they are staring at us. I wonder what that's all about. 

X-23: I don't know. Something about all this is out of place. 

X-23 glanced around to observe the other classes preparing for the exams. It was clear that they were staring at the UA classes. As all the classes gathered, a tired looking man began to address the students.

???: Well then, let's do that provisional license thing. I'm Mera from the Heroes Public Safety Commission. Nice to meet you. With that conviction, I will give you the orientation.

Midoriya: He's not hiding his exhaustion at all. Is he okay?

Mera: About the content of the provisional license thing. Frankly, all 1,540 examinees here will have to win through a free-for-all exercise!

Upon hearing this, all of Class 1-A was in shock by the lack of information.

Sato: Seriously?

Sero: That's not a lot to go on.

Mera: Our society is currently said to be saturated with heroes, and ever since Stain was arrested, many have shown doubts about the current state of heroes. Well, as a private citizen, no matter what the motivation, to tell someone risking their lives to save others not to seek any reward is the ruthless story of these modern times. But anyway, whether its for compensation or for loyalty and courage, the result of many heroes working hard together to help people and defeat villains is that right now, the time from when an incident begins to when it is resolved is so short that it'd make you sick. You all are about to receive your provisional licenses and finally throw yourselves into those rapids. Those who can't keep up with that speed will frankly have it tough. Accordingly, what you'll be tested on is speed! The first hundred to fulfill the requirements will pass.

Yaoyorozu: There are a total of 1,540 people taking the exam! Didn't they say half would pass?

Tsuyu: This means, less than 1% will actually pass...

X-23: Looks like Aizawa pulled the same stunt he did at the Quirk Apprehension test. 

Kirishima: Aw crap!

Bakugo: It doesn't fucking matter! If anyone tries to fuck with us, I'm taking them down! 

X-23: It may just come to that. 

All students were given three targets and put it on any exposed parts of their body. They are also given a box which had six orange balls. As everyone put the targets on their bodies, X-23 kept her eyes on the other students who continued to stare at them. Like when they came in, all the other classes were staring at Class 1-A. As the classes waited for the exam to begin, and the rest of Class 1-A prepared themselves for the Provisional License Exams. Soon enough, a tradition would be made known for all of Class 1-A.

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