Chapter Twenty Two - Deika City

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In Deika City, Wolverine along with X-23 and Gabby entered the city. As they began walking the streets of Deika City, the people stared at them. 

X-23: They're just...staring at us. 

Gabby: This place is giving me the creeps. 

Wolverine: They're just trying to get under your skin. Let us know we're not welcome. 

X-23: Is it possible that they may be scouting us? 

Wolverine: It's a possibility. Follow my lead and don't give them a reason. 

Following Wolverine's advice, X-23 and Gabby kept their composure even as the people of Deika City stared at them. The deeper they moved into the city, the less people they saw. While Gabby was quick to breathe a sigh of relief, Wolverine and X-23 kept their guard up. Eventually, Wolverine picks up a scent. 

Wolverine: We're getting close. 

Wolverine along with X-23 and Gabby began following the scent. Soon enough, they approach what appeared to be a normal building. The Clawed Heroes looked around to find no guards. Practicing caution, Wolverine along with X-23 and Gabby entered the room. Once inside, they find a laboratory. They also see the bloodied and lifeless bodies of the scientists on the floor. 

Wolverine: Looks like someone got here first. Don't let your guard down.

With that, Wolverine along with X-23 and Gabby began exploring what appeared to be a facility working on the Weapon X Program. They saw evidence of attempts at cloning Wolverine. They saw tanks filled with failed attempts at Wolverine clones. Seeing this made X-23 sick to her stomach. 

X-23: Those...bastards! They're....they're trying to clone us! 

Wolverine said nothing as he began looking over the files left behind. He sees files on Gabby. From what he read, Gabby was meant to have been implanted with behavioral implants to make her more obedient. The date the procedure was meant to be done was the day after the Shie Hassaikai Raid. After reading Gabby's file, he finds another fire labeled "Hellverine". Suddenly, Daken lunges at Wolverine and slashes at him and the file. The attack caused Wolverine to back away and join X-23 and Gabby. As the three Clawed Heroes popped out their claws, Daken chuckles.

Daken: Father. Sister. I was hoping you'd show up. 

Wolverine: Akihiro....

X-23: You did this! 

Daken: I wouldn't feel sorry for these fools. As you can see, they were attempting to restart the Weapon X Program. Then they made the mistake of crossing Romulus. 

As Daken confessed to killing the scientists, he glances over to Gabby who attempts to hide behind X-23. 

Daken: Ah. I know you. You must be the Clone that escaped the Shie Hassaikai Facility. I tried to find you, you know. But it looks like father and Laura got to you first. 

X-23: You leave her alone, you son of a bitch! 

X-23 then lunged at Daken. While she impaled him with her claws, Daken plunged his claws into X-23's chest. X-23 coughed blood as he threw her back. Daken groaned as his healing factor kicked in. 

Daken: Touched a nerve, didn't I? 

Wolverine: don't have to do this. Stand down.

Daken: You still don't get it, do you father? I'm not living under your shadow anymore. I will cast my own. And if you intend to keep getting in my way, then I'll just have to kill you. 

With that, Daken battles against Wolverine and X-23. Despite being outnumbered, Daken held his own against his father and sister. During the fight, Daken lands several vicious slashes on Wolverine before X-23 impales him in the back with her claws. Daken fights back as stabs himself to stab X-23. As the battle dragged on, the building began to shake. 

Daken: Looks like the League is making their move. 

X-23: What?! The League is here?! 

Daken: And they've just declared war on the Meta Liberation Army. Romulus will be pleased. 

Without hesitation, X-23 lunges at Daken and begins hacking at him with her claws. Daken soon got the upper hand and impaled her through the throat. 

Daken: Did you really think you can beat me like that, little sister? Don't make me laugh. This is your last warning. Stay out of my way or I'll kill you.

Suddenly, Gabby leaps at Daken and begins stabbing him with her claws. 

Gabby: Leave her alone!

As Gabby continues stabbing Daken, Daken grabbed her and stabbed her in the chest with his claws. He then slams her on the ground as Daken goes to stab Gabby again, Wolverine intervenes and lands several strikes on his son. 

Wolverine: Don't even think about it, Akihiro!

Daken: As much as I would love to settle this....bothersome family matter, I have places to be. And unless you want to get caught between the war between the League of Villains and the Meta Liberation Army, then I suggest you leave!

As Daken makes his retreat, X-23 slowly gets up. At first, she was about to chase after Daken. But upon seeing Gabby on the floor, she runs up to Gabby and checks up on her. 

X-23: Gabby? Gabby!

Gabby: I'm...I'm okay. That...really hurt....

Wolverine: Laura...we need to get the hell out of here now!

X-23: What about Daken? 

Wolverine: We don't have time for that. Right now, we've got a war between the League of Villains and the Meta Liberation Army in this city. We need to leave before we get caught in the crossfire.

Left with no other choice, Wolverine, X-23 and Gabby were forced to retreat. Moments later, the entire city seemed to be leveled by some outside force. But as Deika City was leveled, Wolverine and X-23 soon realized that this was only the beginning.

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