Jack Stark's POV • High School

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"Yo, Stark, E.T.," BJ leans around the doorway to the lab. Elias and I exchange glances.

"Yeah?" I answer.

"Come out here, this ain't gonna be pretty."

"What's up?" Elias says slowly, raising a suspicious eyebrow.

"There's a new alien in town, besides Elias, LaLa and Andalis," BJ says, eyes wide. Looking at Elias, they get even wider. "You ain't the only "Charisma" people no more."

* * *

BJ leads us to one of the hangout rooms in Epsilon Wing, where two painfully perfect-looking teens are, probably brother and sister by the looks of them. They've already charmed everyone there, laughing and talking like they've all known them for years. The girl--a masterpiece, really-- had their rapt attention.

" . . and then I said, 'I can't change the lightbulb, I can only change your psyche!'"

Everyone laughs hysterically, and I raise an eyebrow. The three of us walk up when Rod notices us.

"Hey guys," he grins. "Come meet some new friends!"

"See what I mean?" BJ mumbles out of the side of his mouth as we're dragged to the blonde bombshell and her stud brother. Even I can admit when my looks are matched, and occasionally exceeded. I don't like him already. But, his sister . .

Because of my trancelike state, which I'm sure is caused by said bombshell, it takes a second for my eyes to adjust to Eugene's face as I find myself with him in the wing outside the room. How had he led me away so quickly?

"You're not a gorgeous blonde," I blink dumbly, tilting my head forward slightly, still coming out of it.

"Thanks. Anyway, focus, Stark," he responds, clapping his hands in my face. "I want you to know something."

"Okay, what?" I say, half interested, my eyes being drawn back to the door.

Eugene claps again. "I don't like them."

"What? Why? They're just new students."

"Something's wrong with them," he says grimly, reaching into a pocket on the side of his wheelchair and retrieving one of his multitudes of trusty notebooks. "They're too magnetic for their own good. And Adonis--" he holds up a student photo from between two pages in the notebook. "The brother, he reminds me of someone . . I just hope I'm incorrect . ." He trails off, but suddenly a spark of conviction lights up his eyes, and he adjusts his glasses. "I'll work on that. But for now, just promise me you'll be careful, Stark. And tell the others, too."

* * *

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