Elias' POV/ Grace's POV • High School

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"But--" I stammer.

"No. Go on upstairs. You know your mom says crazy things when she's sleepy," she says firmly over her shoulder, blocking my view.

"Yeah, but--" I try again.

"I'll take care of this. Just go!" Her voice doesn't get louder, but it's more attention-grabbing. I nod stupidly and follow my sister to the stairs. The last thing I hear before I reach them is an admonition.

"Grace, what the hell?"

* * *

* Grace's POV *

"What?" I ask heatedly, gathering my hair into a messy updo.

"You know damn well what."

"Look. I get that they're new and all, but I hate that woman. She's evil. From what Elias and Laerika say, her kids are just as bad," I defend.

"You're just pissed because they're Enchantress' kids," she says, making me cringe.

"Don't say that name. And maybe I am a little miffed because of that. Who's their father, anyway?"

"Who knows? Some wizard or magician, probably. No idea."

"That's comforting."

"Loki's told you himself, and other reliable sources have said so: nothing happened between him and her. Get it through your head."

I turn my back on her, facing the crackling fireplace. I close my eyes, letting the anger and grudge-infused thoughts race through my head. A few moments later I feel a hand on my shoulder, reminding me I'm not the only one in the room.

"Hey, cool it. You're making the fire burn a little too hot."

My eyes snap open, and flames are licking out the sides of the fireplace, black smudges covering the stones. I jump, eyes open wide, as I will the fire to recede. As it dies down, I absentmindedly swipe a finger over the smudges, causing the carbon to cling to my skin. Rubbing my fingers together, I turn back to my friend.

"I guess you could be right," I say haltingly, with a momentary glance at the floor. "It's probably nothing."

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