Chapter 1: A new Bond is formed

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Five years ago...

One day on a spring afternoon, a young boy with short blonde and red hair named Daniel Henderson. Who is ten years old and sitting in the library reading a book?

He was studying for an upcoming quiz coming up in a few days. For his Pokemon 101 class in the next few days over Pokemon evolution at his school called Pokemon tech.

He was currently a few pages into his Pokemon evolution book. When he suddenly heard the sound of someone's breath hitching. He continued to read his book, ignoring the sound of hitching breath.


His eyes snapped up from his book as he heard someone release a high-pitch-squeaky sneeze. He raised an eyebrow at how adorable it sounded and guessed that it was a girl who sneezed.

He glanced toward the sneeze and saw a girl with shoulder-length red hair, wearing a light blue shirt, sitting by herself, rubbing her nose rhythmically. He recognized her as the new girl named Jessica in his Pokemon 101 class, that joined last week. Looking away, he resumed with his studying.

He was drawn away from his studies as he heard the girl quietly sniff. He turned around to see her shoulder stiffened and turned sideways to protect her books from the incoming sneeze. Daniel could tell from her body language that she would release a strong one.

Her eyes were almost closed, her mouth open, and her nose scratched up. She raised the heel of her hand to her nose.

"Ahhh...hhh..." She blinked and took a deeper breath. Still, the sneeze wasn't cooperating. Her nose continues to twitch and flare."Ahhhh..hhhhh....hhhh!" She tilted her upper body as fall back as it could go, her nose twitching and flaring like crazy until it exploded.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhchiew!!" Her body dropped forward as she released the sneeze into the heel of her hand, but it didn't seem like she was done yet. She pinched the bridge of her nose, irritated as she released four more harsh squeaky sneezes.

Daniel looked around to see to people looking at her, annoyed with his sneezing interrupting their studying. He stood up and picked up his book before getting up and walking over to her table.

"Ahhhchiew! Ahhhhhhhhchiew!"

"Are you okay?" He asked with a smile holding out a clean tissue to the girl.

"Huh?" She looked up, her nose red, her cheek flushed, and her eyes slightly teary. She still seemed pretty sneezy and took the tissue being offered to her. "Of course I'm fine. You never heard someone sneeze and thank you for the tissue," she said, annoyed but changed to a polite tone at the end. She sniffed.

"Okay was just asking in case you were getting sick or had an allergy attack," Daniel replied.

"Of course, I'm not sick," She said, annoyed, before doubling over to sneeze again. "Ahhhchiew! Ahhhchiew! AHHHHCHIEW!"

"Bless you," Daniel said with a smile but with eyes full of concern.

"Ugh. Thanks," She said as she gently wiped her nose, looking completely flush.

"No problem," He said. "How about I buy you a hot cup of tea or something? You look like you could use it to unclog your nose."

"I'm fine, so just stop worrying," She said. "Oh!" She said, noticing the book in his hand and blushed, embarrassed. "I wasn't interrupting you, was I? I'm s- ahhh...sor- AHHHHHCHIEW!"

"Bless you."

"Ugh," Jessica groaned and rubbed her temples, looking miserable. Daniel's concern grew even more, and he grabbed her book and patted her back.

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