《Chapter 6》

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So the two opposites were on a boat now. A flame and a leaf. After all it felt like fate that brought these two together yet it felt so much like it was something ripped straight out of a fairytale. So that's what life felt like for these two. Well it didn't exactly feel like a fairytale not yet at least. They still needed to have some sort of dumb predictable love story and an antagonist. If they had those two things it would basically be a fairytale. But life is harsh and cold especially to the weak, so life would never feel like a fairytale. This could mean that fate doesn't exist, but that's up to the particular person thinking about it to decide. Well there was an antagonist, but the two oblivious objects don't realise it yet. 

Meanwhile at the castle, the traitor decided to make his move. Gelatin had Loser beside him and the two were going to kill him, but they decided to make it look like an accident. So they set a trap. It took awhile to gain King Four's attention, but when it did he went to inspect it. The traitor waited patiently for the perfect time to cut the rope that would make a block of bricks crush the King. Then he cut the rope...

A blood curdling scream of pain echoed through the castle. It was painful to hear, but once it had finished Gelatin decided to check the King's pulse. Blood stained the floor and no pulse was heard, well felt. They had done it. Loser said that because of this chances are that King X would most likely run off. "Are you sure?" Gelatin asked. Loser nodded as he kicked the dead body with rage. "This is going to smell gross after awhile," Loser stated,"Now we should get out of here before the guards come." 

The two traitors made a run for it. Sneaky yet fast is the best way to describe them. "Seriously dude, what the fuck was that?" Gelatin asked, referring to King Four's death. Loser didn't reply, and just simply shrugged. "Answer me," Gelatin growled. No answer came from the lair cube. Loser, again, just shrugged. Gelatin knew it was hopeless at this point and frowned. That was it for them. Gelatin once again began to reconsider if working with the cube was such a good idea. If only someone with a brain told him it wasn't a good idea at any time or place. After all Loser has lied to many people in the past, and he sure as Hell would do it again. 

Now it was back on mission. Find the princess or die. Seems pretty simple. Once again it feels like something ripped straight out of a fairytale. This seems to be a theme in this lifetime. It was quite odd, honestly. Well Gelatin knew that life's a bitch and it's better to play a villain because if the world is harsh to you, why not be twice as harsh back? Seems like a pretty fair trade honestly. Deep down though everyone needs fixing. Some harder than others, but everyone needs fixing at least once in their life.  Gelatin has far more emotional scars than he would personally wish for, but it's fine. 


Gelatin saw a boat in the distance while on the beach. He noticed a familiar orange flicker and gasped. They were heading to Yoyle Land. Gelatin made a mental note of this so that he could tell Loser later. He decided to go home after that. This way he could tell Loser about this as soon as he possibly could. 

On his way home he found a rose. However this was a black rose. Gelatin's eyes widened as he saw a few. The symbol of death. Was this like some dumb foreshadowing or was it because the King had died? Was it a message from the Gods?  The thought of this being a sign from some otherworldly force like a God scared him. Was he just going to die like some clichè villain? He dreaded the though of death and the thought that it could be karma for killing the King or something. Just the thoughts felt like they were drowing him and killing him. Life is unpredictable and so is death, meaning there was no telling if this rose was infact a sign. In the end it probably doesn't matter if this was a sign or not seeing as death will catch up to you one day...


The two had made it to their final destonation: Yoyle Land. They thought this finally ment that no more comotion or drama would follow and that they were finally free. Little did these two know, a certain cube was going to be informed of their location. Meaning that they aren't  safe at all. They were also unaware that they had started to catch feelings for each other. A forbidden love story, very original. 

All in all, it was a peaceful night for once. Surroned by yoyle berry bushes, the two began to slowly drift to sleep. The peace was nice... a bit too nice some might say. That doesn't matter right now... nothing does. It was just a peaceful time that the two wished could last forever. Wishes don't come true though and they would see that in the future. Especially when they think they're safe...

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