《Chapter 3》

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Gelatin and TB arrived back to the kingdom. A sharp breath escaping Gelatin's mouth. The sky was pitch black littered with many pretty stars; but King Four wasn't going to be very happy. Tennis Ball came to a halt; even though they weren't at the castle gates. Gelatin stopped,"TB, are you crazy!"
Tennis Ball shook his head. "We're getting the Princess back," Tennis Ball said,"And by 'we' I mean you and Coiny are getting the Princess back!"
Gelatin's eyes went wide,"TB, you'll get fired!"
Tennis Ball chuckled,"Have you forgotten who I live with?"
"G - Golf Ball, 'course you do," Gelatin mumbled. Gelatin looked around the kingdom once more; he'd memorized it by each corner. He was still working on memorizing each house. He still remembered which one was Coiny's. Gelatin looked at Tennis Ball. "A - Are you sure?" Gelatin asked.
"Make me proud," Tennis Ball smiled before walking towards the castle walls.  Gelatin made a run for it toward his partner's home.

Gelatin made it to Coiny's small home. He didn't know if Coiny or his girlfriend (Pin) would wake up due to him knocking. The sky was still in a pitch black state littered with many stars of all sizes. Gelatin knocked on the door violently. "Please answer, please answer, please answer," Gelatin mumbled as he started to repeat those two words over and over again. Soon a very tired coin answered the door. "Dude what the fuck," Coiny mumbled exhaustedly.
"Coiny I know this is short notice; but I need your help," Gelatin said,"T - The Princess was kidnapped by a hybrid - dragon flame."
"Y - You mean Firey?" Coiny exclaimed, his eyes widening.
"You know him?" Gelatin rose an eyebrow.
"Used to know him. He was banished from this kingdom a long time ago," Coiny grumbled,"He used to... be friends with — never mind that! He's going to burn Princess Leafy to a crisp!"
Gelatin's eyes widened at that thought. The Princess could die if they were too late... "Quick! Get your helmet, we're going after them!" Gelatin yelled,"Well, we need to find them; but we have to get Princess Leafy back!"
Coiny nodded as he rushed into his home to grab his helmet. He came back in what felt like seconds. Coiny went back in, though; this was so he could leave a note for Pin to inform her of why he is absent from home when she wakes up.

Soon they were off; but they were missing a few things. They had no lead trail; or map to give them any idea of where they could be. Coiny looked at the forest. "I doubt they'd stay there," Coiny said blankly.
"Hm, I agree," Gelatin replied,"Firey would set the forest on fire."
The two continued to walk through the place. They knew if they wanted any lead on where the two went they'd have to go through the forest. "C - Coiny we don't have a map," Gelatin chuckled nervously.
"What? I thought you had one!" Coiny exclaimed.
"Well... no," Gelatin stated.
"We're so getting lost," Coiny mumbled. Coiny looked around at the scenery of the forest. It looked as if it had just rained. There were small droplets of water on leaves. Some droplets were falling of the leaves and sliding to the ground making a small, unnoticeable splash. The bark on the trees looked as if they were uninfected by the rain, though. It was as if they were untouched. "This forest does look nice," Coiny mumbled,"Princess Leafy sure would've loved it here."
"How do you know that?" Gelatin asked from behind the small coin.
"Just a lucky guess," Coiny admitted,"Besides, she was never let out of the castle walls."
"O - Oh," Gelatin mumbled. A yawn escaped Coiny's lips as the two continued to walk through the Evil Forest. They still had no lead. "Are you sure it didn't rain tonight?" Coiny asked.
"Positive," Gelatin replied.
"So do you think we could find some sparks as clues?" Coiny questioned.
"Maybe," Gelatin mumbled in reply,"But I dunno."
The two continued to walk; having doubts that they'll find the two. They had also forgotten to bring food, underestimating how long the journey will be...

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