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Leafy sat in her room, locked in the castle walls, as usual. She couldn't believe it, after all; she was being forced into a relationship she didn't want... She would do anything to leave; and explore outside the kingdom. Anyone from any other possition would ask why Leafy would even think about wanting to leave the castle. As to them it seems like luxuary; to Leafy it feels like the opposite. She's always heard about a hybrid dragon trying to bust in and kidnap her before; usually she'd fear the thought. But now she embraced it. Asking sevral questions to herself about it like: 'Is the dragon hybrid nice?' or 'Can he feel my emotoins and to the point where he knows I want to leave this castle...?'

Meanwhile in a place far away stood Firey. He lives in a valcano that's in Goiky. He is the hybrid dragon that has been mentoined to Leafy. Firey's tail hung low in guilt; slowly wagging it from side to side. He sighed; maybe he shouldn't try? No! He's going to do this. He thought back to everything he's seen as he's been spying on everyone... Well ever since he was banished...

"Firey, look at what you just did!" Four growled as he pointed to a cart that was now on fire. Firey looked at it; his tail hung low. "I - I'm s - sorry K - King Four!" Firey exclaimed,"I - I triped and – and—"
"I think I've heard enough!" Four growled louder this time. The smell of smoke filled everyone's senses as they were all looking down on the flame in an ashamed way. Four's angry glare scared Firey to death. "I don't ever want to see your face, Firey," Four barked,",Look at everyone around you! To think you are friends with the princess. I'll do everything in my power to make sure she forgets you, runt. Now get out of here before I, personally, dump a huge water bucket over you!"

He shook his head at the thought of the afawl memory; why did he think he could even be friends with Princess Leafy? He would've just hurt her anyway... Why the hell did King Four even remotely trust him? Firey didn't remember his parents that well; he didn't want to remember either. Since the last time he checked they weren't dragons or had dragon parts; so why did Firey turn out the way he did? He sighed..

Maybe he could go now? No, no, no! Not yet. He growled to himself; he knew kidnapping was wrong. It brought him back to when him and Leafy were kids:

Firey chuckled wagging his tail in delight. "Leafy you tell the best jokes!" Firey exclaimed happily.
"Thanks, Firey; you're not so bad yourself," Leafy replied. The two looked around; Leafy has always been grateful for her freedom to explore the town. Blocky ran around with a bucket of water; Firey noticed this as his tail dropped. "It's okay Firey," Leafy assured,"That isn't for you... I hope."
Firey nodded; not feeling too sure. The two looked up admiring the clouds in the sky...
"Y'know I wish this could just be how I spent all my days," Leafy smiled.
"Heh, I get why you'd want that," Firey replied as his tail slowly wagging itself from side to side.
"Y'know King Four keeps on telling me to stop hanging out with you," Leafy began,"He says it's because you're 'dangerous'. I think he's only saying that 'cause you're half dragon."
"Well I am pretty dangerous for someone like you to be around," Firey mumbled slightly,"Because y'know I'm fire; you're a leaf... it's always going to be dangerous for you."
Just then Loser approached the two. A smile was worn by the cube as he held a cup filled to the brim... with water. Firey whimpered slightly; Leafy noticed his concern. "Hey Princess Leafy!~" Loser greeted.
"Hey Loser!" Leafy exclaimed happily,"Would you mind putting the water down? You're scaring Firey..."
"Well Princess Leafy, why are you even hanging out with him?" Loser asked,"Isn't he dangerous for someone like you to be around?" Firey's tail drooped at that question; it made him feel sad and like he was doing something wrong. "I suppose he is; but he's still my friend," Leafy replied simply. Her eyes quickly darted to Firey; then back to Loser. "Look, King Four hasn't told me I can't be friends with Firey, Loser," Leafy said,"So if you try to ruin this thing we have; I think that you're just jealous."
Loser was ignoring Leafy's little rambles about Firey. The he chucked the water at Firey. "Firey look out!" Leafy exclaimed pushing the flame out the way.
"Ahh!" Firey exclaimed. The water ended up landing on Leafy; drenching her. It was alright though; it wasn't like she was going to die.

Firey looked up; he was in the environment of the volcano he lives in. A leaf couldn't be safe here; not today, not tomorrow, no ever. Even if she did save him all those years ago...
It's not important anymore. So why can't he just forget her..? What if their connection was so strong to the point where Firey didn't ever want to let go...


Leafy passed around her room. What if she escaped? No... too risky. What if she just asked King Four politely to give her the freedom to explore the town? No... he said 'no' the last time. She then just gave up. She flopped onto her bed.

Maybe she should just...

Have a quick... nap.

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