《Chapter 4》

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Firey trotted forwards, with Leafy trailing behind him. Firey thought for a moment; surely the knights will find them someday, right? He brushed the thought off; he didn't want to worry. Not now. He didn't notice how far ahead compared to Leafy. He noticed that she was carrying her crown, not wearing it. He waited for her to catch up. When she finally did he asked: "Why aren't you wearing your crown?" 
"I want to destroy it," Leafy replied,"Or at least dispose of it." 
Firey rose an eyebrow,"R - Really?" 
"Yes, really. princess life isn't really the one I want to live," Leafy chuckled. 
"O - Oh?" Firey frowned slightly,"Then what life do you want to live, Leafy?" 
"I want to explore the place - the world, even!" Leafy exclaimed. 
"Adventurous, are you? Well, we best get moving; the knights will find us if we just stand around like this," Firey replied. Alas, the two continued to walk to the land they seek. Yoyle Land was nearing; but one issue could prevent them, you see. 


The two arrived at the ocean; no sight of Coiny nor Gelatin was near. But the ocean is a big issue; as Firey could die to it. Being a literal walking fire wasn't very good in this sort of situation. "I can't cross," he muttered to himself. 
"Are you alright?" Leafy asked; reading the flame's expression. 
"No," Firey grunted,"I can't cross."
"I'm sure we can find some way," the leaf smiled. 
"As you say," Firey chuckled. 
"No, no. I know there'll be someway," Leafy declared. As she stared at the river she thought. She thought long and hard. She was stumped. There were no possible materials around to possibly make a boat. "Maybe we should camp here for awhile," Firey suggested,"Lay low for a bit." 
"Yeah, sure," Leafy reluctantly agreed. 

(T/W: Manipulation(?) -aka Loser being terrible-)

Gelatin walked back and forth. His gaze was met by an angry cube's gaze. Loser's gaze. "Where is she?" Loser asked. 
"Haven't found her yet, sir," Gelatin replied. 
"Well our arranged marriage was supposed to happen tomorrow," Loser growled slightly, "But that shithead had to take her from me." 
"Easy there, sir," Gelatin murmured. 
"No I won't go 'easy'," Loser spat,"I want to marry her and do what I please with her pathetic little self."
"I don't like where this conversation is going, sir," Gelatin said, shakily. 
"I don't really give one," Loser grumbled,"Just bring the princess to me. Make her marry me... then do what I've instructed you to do to the other royals. In fact, also bring me that dragon boy; he can be a great prisoner and decoration." 
"Y-Yes, of course!" Gelatin sputtered,"I won't let you down, I promise." 
"Alright traitor boy," Loser grinned. It was a sinister grin. "T-traitor," Gelatin asked shakily. 
"You're going to kill King Four aren't you?" Loser chuckled,"You were pathetic as a child, pathetic as a knight and still pathetic now. Even after you started talking to me. I'm your only friend, Gelatin. I can fix you. I can help you. Only I can help you." 
"Y-yeah you're right," Gelatin murmured. 
"Aren't I always? I'm right about you, you pathetic soul. How you're a useless knight and only now you're doing an actual job!"  
"I-I'm doing the opposite of my job actually," Gelatin whimpered,"I'm supposed to help the king not kill him!" 
"He's bound to die no matter what you do," Loser laughed,"There's a thing called old age! You're just y'know.... speeding up the process. You understand, don't you?"
"Yes I understand, but I'm confused." 
Loser stared at him darkly,"No need to be confused. The king dies, i marry the princess and we become king and queen. It was an arranged marriage anyway, we were bound to become king and queen one day. Now you have a job to do. Don't let me down."
"Yes sir."


Gelatin angrily swept his sword across the grass. He was pissed off at Loser, though he didn't want to admit it. He thought back on when he was first offered the deal that Loser had promised him. 

"I'll give you a second in command role," Loser had chuckled,"You'll be a prince." Gelatin hesitated for a moment; this cube was sinister and he knew that. "How do I know that I can trust you?"  Gelatin asked softly. 
"Because I'm not a lair cube," Loser grinned sinisterly. 
"But that's what they call you----" 

"Lies," Loser had cut Gelatin off,"I simply always tell the truth. They just all choose to believe it's a lie. I'll  be you friend; your friendliest friend! And friends do good things for each other, so I want you to kill the king."

"Now that's a bit extreme," Gelatin sputtered"What will the peasants --- I mean villagers think?" 
"No need for correcting yourself they are in fact peasants," Loser 'corrected',"And who gives a fuck about what they think! Their thoughts are invalid; my thoughts will overrule them. So, do we have a deal?"
Loser had held his hand out, which Gelatin reluctantly shook. He was unaware about the sheer Hell Loser was about to unfold. Dying would've been better than what would soon happen; this was a choice that Gelatin was going to regret forever...

"Gotta live with it now," Gelatin murmured to himself. He did regret it, but there was no going back now. Loser was his only real friend, right? Gelatin chuckled,"Regretting this decision is stupid! It's the obvious right one, and Loser is clearly an amazing friend! I'm being stupid even having any doubt in him!" Gelatin began to laugh; the laugh sounded sort of psychotic. It sure as Hell would be confusing to anyone who heard it. 

Luckily, Gelatin was hidden. He was in a secluded alleyway that nobody daren't go near. All except  for Gelatin, and Loser. Of course that sick twisted cube would even like a place like this. He had described it as his 'favorite place' when describing it to Gelatin. Loser probably liked it because he could steal money at night, too, from unsuspecting citizens. What twisted fuck. Talking to Loser nowadays honestly feels like a fate worse than death...

Gelatin's laughter filled the night time. People walked by the alleyway, but Gelatin was hidden in the shadows. Everyone would soon be living a literal Hell.    

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