Mainstreet USA Toonlands

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Midwestern town is actually the town where the Lady and the Tramp characters live. Lady and Tramp's Home's address in the movie is 2137 Park Avenue Old New England Town, USA. This house may be a bit fancy but it feels home, you would be able to talk to Lady and Tramp while Jim Dear and Darling aren't around. This was where Lady's life began and how it reminded us that how she was giving to Darling during Christmas as gifted in a hat box which was identical to what happened in real life. Because Tramp used to be a stray, it explains why Scamp had a hard time fitting in and learn the facts of house life.

The Dog Pound was put in because the government thought that all dogs that have no home or license should be at, because of how depressed the Dogs were, they seemed to be very miserable as it would feel if you were there and waited for someone to take you in. But if some strays like the three who chased Lady in the movie, would have to be put down, but because they are toon dogs, would have to be banned at the Mysterious Beyond. I'll get to that later on.

There is also the junkyard we see in the sequel. This junkyard may have been a little filthy. The Junkyard Dogs have been feeling free even though they would miss out on what's really important which is being in a family, despite Buster's hatred.

Tony's Restaurant is also there and I can tell you that he would be happy to have you as his customers, though Lady and Tramp had their private entrance at the back, but we can actually go into the actual place. Since you wondered what the food will be like, it'll be okay as long as there is also a spaghetti pleasure heavy on meat balls.

It's not just Lady and the Tramp we could visit, there is also the Aristocats, and because it was set in 1910, you could tell it'll feel like you have finally entered the actual Paris France in our home world. After all, we would want to meet Madame Adelaide Bonfamille at her manor, while there, we need to set a good example and be on good behavior because even though she is an understanding woman, some habits like the odd grammar would make things a little embarrassing even in front of Duchess.

To swing things up, we can meet Thomas O'Malley and the Alley Cats and I can tell you they know how to swing. Mostly we would have to be at the old apartment where Scat Cat and his Alley Cats reside and play music as a jazz band and it would get with the beat and be in a jam when "WHAM!"

Of course, there is also another movie that featured Paris France in the early 20th century, which is at the second half of the movie, Don Bluth's Anastasia. It is true that Paris holds the key to your heart, but it was also set in St. Petersburg, Russia. That'll be where we can learn about the history of the revolution and how the Romanoff line had to be altered. According to the movie, as we would feel like when in this part of the toontown, we would learn on finding the truth in a rumor. Sometimes, rumors aren't always true. If you want to find out if the rumor is true or not, go for it. I'm sure you'll be in one heck of a surprise.

It'll be like visiting 1920's Paris, as well as being at the Alexandra River or even wanting to go to the actual Opera House for the Russian Ballet, but here you would visit the palace where we can get to meet the Dowager Empress Marie Feodorovna Romanov as well as meeting and greeting the actual toon Anastasia, Dimitri, Pooka, Vladimir, or even Sophie, but you must keep an eye out for Rasputin, of course Bartok means well, but Rasputin would try anything to preserve his curse to completion.

Anastasia was surprisingly a success and that Don Bluth had did himself, but it was not the only one for the Main Street section, let's go check the world of An American Tail. As we all know, the characters who are the anthropomorphic animals, would still remain their respective size, but we would still talk to them and even greet and meet them, like holding Fievel at the palm of your hand for a closer look. Because it is set in 1885, the streets will still need their respective time setting of New York City at the time and the locations may be very small for us to enter, but we all know the exact settings they are at from the Mousekewitz Violin shop, to the Statue of Liberty, to Les Club Des Grands Fromages. Now, I know that Green River was in the sequel, but it has to be in the Frontier section, which we'll read later on, and the least said about "Fievel goes west", the Better.

For 101 Dalmatians, there'll be just a medium chunk of London and will have its respective timeline of 1961, that's the time the original film was released. It will still have the Regents Park a tourist location in London, most notable for its appearance where people can walk with their dogs. And just like the city of Ottawa, there will be a farm field where the fields will have the Dearly Farm which is the main location of the TV Series and shot in the sequel, which will be combined with the Farm field from the Aristocats where Napoleon and Lafayette might have a grand time chasing the puppies for fun and games or even mess with any passing motorcycles like they always do with Edgar.

According to the attractions, we can ride on some of the Main Street Vehicles. All vehicles that are found on Main Street were designed to accurately reflect turn-of-the-century vehicles, including a double-decker bus, a horse-drawn streetcar, a fire engine, and an automobile. They are available for one-way rides along Main Street, U.S.A. The horseless carriages are modeled after cars built in 1903. They are two-cylinder, four-horsepower (3 kW) engines with manual transmission and steering.

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